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This have amazing colors and I love that the wings are so sharp and the rest is soft... Great work once again Gail...


See you , Jill

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Hi Gail.......what a beautiful and sharp picture this is....very very nice.

Best regards, Gert Jan.

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Thankyou for your comments.....as always, much appreciated......maybe it's my moniter...but I still think it is either too bright....or maybe it's actually too dark, or contrasty....can't get that 'earthquake' in Italy outof my mind.....I remember being there, outside of Rome.......all that 'history' gone......but the main tradedgy is the 'people'. so sad.........
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Hesam...you're welcome for my comment and I thank you for yours on this one...this dragonfly has waited a long time for me to do somehthing with it. tnks again..Gail
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I like the photo, you got good detail on the dragonfly but imho you overdid a bit the post-processing so that the wings of the creature look like made of solid glass. Of course if a post-processing has no visible effect than it's not worth doing but on the other hand it does not have to be too obvious.

Best Regards, Tibi

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Actually Tibi, the only thing I highlighted was the part of the 'wings/body?' that is to the right and left of the main long body. I blurred the DOF outside of the dragonfly and lowered the levels a bit. As for the rest of the wings....Didn't do a thing....the sun was shining really brightly that afternoon...even as I took the pic...(and I only have about 50 of them......we had not had many dragonflys for awhile)......so what is it you think I should do.....do I try to outline the wings and lower opacity....or levels?? or try to paint over the spots that the sun illuminated??? Not sure what to do....but thankyou for your comment. much appreciated.
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Thanks Gail for the detailed explanation of your work. That explains the cause of the wings looking so bright relative to the rest. The post-processing method you describe will work fine except in the situation when your subject is transparent because you will not be able to control well the color saturation below the transparent area. My advice then for the future is to try to control the depth of field from the beginning when taking the picture (by choosing a longer focal length and lower F number (if you shoot in aperture priority mode, the camera will automatically choose a shorter exposure time as needed)).

Best Regards, Tibi

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Thankyou for the suggestion..I'm sure it will be of use to me. This was among the very first photos I took with my first digital camera, and it was a Fuji S5000. Although not a proper DSLR....it took not too bad macros.....but that summer I just 'took photos' and studied my manual when I could...I knew that winter or later winters I'd get a chance to edit...and look...this was taken in 2004 and I just edited it in '09. I don't know where the time has gone.....


But the advice remanins the same, and it will come in handy I am sure...beacause I have much to learn yet with my Canon Xsi. Thankyou for checking back with me, and offering your advice. It is much appreciated....Sincerely, Gail...

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