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Me Myself I Cubed

ian cameron

A glorious sunrise painted the Blackmount freshly dusted with snow and rich with autumn bracken while pink tinged clouds reflected in the water which was for once mirror smooth. It was a great morning to be alive and I had to share it with nobody.NEW!! Photographic workshops and masterclasses at TRANSIENT LIGHT.

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Aah I see Mr/Mrs 3,3 is back like an invasive cancer. Whoever it is must have some astonishingly good work. I know I'd love to see it...
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Hallo! First, my english is not so good, but I think you understand what I mean.


I like your photos from Scotland, they are great compositions and mostly perfect color works. This one however, not one of your best? The reflection of light in the mountins is very nice, but I personally don`t like the reflections of the clouds. I would prefere a more calm heaven in this composition. Now it feels a little disturbing. My eyes jumpes here and there and will not stay on anything. Maybe a standard or tele focal length would be better? Perhaps a 200mm is perfect for this motive, so the nice light and reflection of the mountin could be more dominant? Hope you don`t take offense of my critic. I only try to be constructive and again, this is my personal thoughts and only one of many approach.


Best regards! Nils.




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Hi Nils


I tend to disagree with what you are saying as the sky for me is what makes this image so strong.... but more to the point I appreciate a well thought out and considered critique someone that actually provides a reason for their particular dislike/likes is worth its weight in gold and should never be ignored. That said I still disagree but that is both mine and yours prerogative and I certainly do not take any offence.

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Ian, what makes you think that the 3/3 person ever left? Some of mine are barely loaded before I get one. Take it as a mark of your competence that they bother. I've ben studying your work more closely of late as my Scotland holiday gets closer.
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Thanks for your reply to my thoughts Ian! I understand how you think and I can imagine how beautiful this sceene looked into your eyes with the reflection in the mirror blank water. My explanation to our differnt ways to reason maybe can corresponde to the fact that I wasn`t there? You also saw it in 3D. I see it only in 2D. The impression a big sized projcection on a film screen (or a big print) can give is also probably much more overwhelming than this small sized monitor photo. So I can`t contradict your decision. It´s probably well founded.


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Me parece extraordinaria, quiza solo esa ligera dominante magenta, pero usted estaba alli.


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Hi Ian,


Ignore the f***wit who rated 3/3 please: it really is just jealously on their part.

This is excellent work.


All the best,




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hello, very nice and well known place. but this one is not so unique and clear ass the rest of your portfolio.


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This is a splendid image, very well composed and with gorgeous colours and ligh. I realy like the reflections from the sky and the clouds realy adds to it.

Regards LKV.

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Hello Ian.


After looking, then reading the comments, then looking again, I`ve settled on the reflection making this a stunning image!

The sky/reflection adds more depth and mood and the scenery is presented with a lot of good space, than if the reflection was not incorporated.


I am sure it looks impressive on a large print.




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Well if you get this much grief for such a great image, I better buy a suit of armour. Just wonderful light and sky over this most famous of Scottish Loch's.
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I'm intrigued Brett just what filtration do you think I've used. A polariser yes but not fully activated else my reflection would disappear, a 0.45ND grad yes but thats to balance the reflection and sky and it is neutral. If you are talking about the red on the hills and in the sky, well I suggest you get up early and see it for yourself, I was with a group of other equally enthusiastic photographers and they got these shots too. Its there, its genuine and its sunrise and its on about twenty more of my other Velvia transparencies.
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Ian, I've seen this picture, or at least pictures from the same location, on your website before. I think I'd prefer the panoramic version, as it emphasises the beautiful reflection and it concentrates on the strongest parts of the sky. That said, this is still a picture that is briliantly captured and that makes me wish I had been there. I couldn't think of a much better praise for a photo. I always enjoy looking at your pictures, especially those from Scotland.

Best wishes, Heiko

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Beautiful landscape with soft, soothing colors that give it the presence of a dream photographed! Excellent work! Thanks for sharing! :)


P.S. The 3/3 raters don't have any good photos that is why they rate so low; they cannot recognize talent when they see it. They are just small minded idiots who want to mess with your ratings and self-confidence; ignore them!

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