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© Gisle Noel


noel g

Extension tube, flash


© Gisle Noel

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This is a totally antstanding photo. What an excellent capture. There will never be another like it. The DOF is perfect. The Ant is sharp and in focus. The waterdrop is exquisite.


Congratulations on a well deserved POW award.

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I don't care for it at all -- far too busy. Everything but the kitchen sink thrown into this one.
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Excelence in the originality aspect, but not all that good in the aesthetical side.


The colors are a bit dull and cold and the background is just strange when centered with the ant.


I think it's a matter of having too many elements in the picture. The composition and light are not all that good.


Although it does not please me, it's an unique and very creative picture.



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I don't know what's Marcio thinking about, this is a macro, not a controlled light studio shot of a model... ¡!

What nobody said yet (I think, don't have time to read all previous comments) that shooting macro takes much patience and time. A good macro shot is the recompense for the effort. But to shoot an EXCELLENT macro like this... wow! How many hours and shots did you spend to get this one?

Congrats and thanks for sharing!

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Excellent work, congratulations!.

The only thing that bothers me is the few that have posted here, astonished because this image is a pure "non-manipulated" photograph.It seems that in few years from now, there will be no real photographers anymore, only "photoshopgraphers" that will make images look good with the aid of software.

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I really hate ants, since i was bitten all over two weeks ago in southern alabama while lying in the grass taking a picture of some rosted forties dodge. My arm was infected for the whole bloody two weeks. So please, can we get another POW elves, this one reminds me too much of the bad experience I had.

Nice funny picture by the way, gisle noel. Cheers.

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When I first saw this in the photo of the week list I thought "oh

man, not another bug shot!" But, then I looked a little closer.

Composition and of course the water drop make this shot rock. I

would like to make one suggestion however, put a black line

around the outside to hold us viewers in. 1 or 2pt. is all you

need, all that white has a tendency to spin us right out of the

picture. Great shot, thanks for sharing.


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Guest Guest


The change I would like to see is the black background traded

for a light blue background. Having just been to "Carnival" in San

Francisco, and seeing all these gorgeous half-naked and

feathered dancing girls celebrating Brazilian Carnival, I think of

the colors of the Brazilian flag: these are yellow, green, white

and blue. This would have made the scene alittle cheerier for

me. The image in the drop of water is a remarkable



Put it in Photoshop, and change that black area to light sky blue.

Then take another gander!


Timber Borcherding

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The water droplets is a great idea, the whole composition is a little busy to my eye but the I just need to focus the ant and the water droplet. Very well done.
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"Too busy"? Is there a cure for photo.net ADD? I'm reminded of the "too many notes" scene in "Amadeus."


I see only the minimum elements necessary to make a photographic statement that elevates this beyond a mere macro snapshot. The tiny flower echoed in the droplet mirrors the ant's world appropriately. The diagonal stalk creates a bit of tension and movement.


Which particular element(s) should be removed to create a universally appealing photograph? The big flower? The little flower? The droplet? The ant? The stalk? Waldo?


(Standard Disclaimer: This is not a critique. I no longer participate in photo.net critiques. If this had been an actual critique you would have been advised to seek shelter.)

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When I saw the thumbnail I thought -"another digital macro, PS laboratory"- so I was very surprised (and delighted) to see it was shot with an non-digital.


The idea, and the moment you captured, both are great, doesn´t matter to me it you prepared it. I like the so centered blurried flower on the background, and to make it more apealing I would have place the ant&waterdrop a little bit to their left (I think that foreground and background are both too centered). Anyway, this is only my opinion and suggestion.


Congrats on this POW!

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This is absolutely brilliant. This is by far one of the most interesting and brilliantly thought-out macros I have ever seen. I wish I could think like this!
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We all look at images in a different light,in my humble opinion this shot is based on a good idea but I find the image cluttered too much happening.
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What exactly about this image is too busy? You made the statement but gave no specifics - are you prepared to defend it? That's the nature of rhetoric.

There are relatively few elements or colors. The few elements presented are interrelated so that they present a macrocosm of the ant's universe within a macrophotograph. What could be removed or altered that would not violate the essence of this image?

Perhaps that's the problem. Many are too busy imagining another image that they can't see what's before them. Are you looking at the photograph Gisle has presented or thinking of how you would have done it given the opportunity?

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A delightful composition and the idea alone is commendable.

May I remind the Old Time Film users -that the same shot could have been done with a Digital Camera WITHOUT any digital manipulation later on the PC.

Please remember-that with Film-the manipulations can be done also later in the darkroom. So best ist-accept BOTH modes and keep it simple.

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Previously you mentioned four things happening in this image,two,too many for me ,so by making such a list of content I feel you've answered your own question!
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Wow. And it's the refraction in the water drop that makes this photo special. Without that it's just another macro. Beautiful.
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The daisy within the waterdrop provides a bite-sized "slice of life" for the ant. This is what makes the image powerful to me. It took something 100s of times larger than an ant and made it tangible for its little self.
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An excellent use of wide angle macro. Probably a 12mm

extension tube. Rather than use other approaches which would

have blown out the background, Gisle had the good fortune to

have a clean background which also helped the viewer

understand the small refracted flower. It's not sharp, can't be,

and we wouldn't want it to be. If the flower was off center or

overlaped with the primary elements in an awkward way, than

yes, it would be too busy and chaotic.

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