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jewels session for "MODA"magazine


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According to the composition I should say the shot is very good...Very good show the difference between the white colour and black...The point of view is good and makes the audience feel the picture better.


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Really, a very difficult subject.Black skin the female model, white Abysinian (?) cat.So, the needs of lighting differ a lot in the same frame.But i believe the grey tones, which are the base for a precise exposure, are very nice, smooth without any exaggeration.Great photo Silvia.Regards

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It's a grabber, that's for sure. But advertising should be positive too. I don't know about a haunched-back cat? I also feel the piece is out of synch in that the tones are too far apart. The cat would work better if it too would have been darker, not necessarily black, but darker. The piece on it's neck virtually disappears, not good in advertising. It was also stated the jewelry ended up secondary, and in that I agree. It would have been better to have given it more prominence.

The blank area in the top is bothersome, unless that's where the copy would go, so depends. If copy not going there, the piece is out of balance. I'd of had the guy sitting up more, then a 'v' composition would be created, more pleasing to the eye, balance again. If I was the jeweler, I'd say 'go back to the drawing board'.

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At first glance I didn't see the necklace on the cat - then I saw the watch... Looks to me that it was added later - the angle on the wrist is all wrong, and the lighting appears to be different.

Then I looked closely at the ring, and I think this is an add-on too - apart from the suspect lighting, it is not fitting the finger well. These all being suspect, I feel that the necklace just might be false too - the cat would have to be pretty docile to allow such an ornament!

Anyway - like others, although this image was a good idea, it's execution is somewhat sloppy, the various elements just don't seem to blend well.

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I find this a disturbing picture. It's too out of context for me to enjoy. The man and vase alone would work, but that part too needs contrast adjustment, I'd prefer to be able to tell where the man stopped and the sofa started. As for the cat...well what can I say, is he broken? Intending to use the vase for a litter box? Just doesn't work for me.


With the tone being about the jewelry, the cat should be relaxed and preening...reeking of luxury. Is that possible? Perhaps not with the cat perched on the rim of a vase in bright light but still it would go a long way to make the jewelry on his neck a believable item. I like the lighting on the man, the contrasting tones are nice but it's so distracting to have the side of his face, as well as his arm, disappear into the sofa.


I can appreciate the effort that was made here, it just doesn't work.



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The World of advertising is - fortunately - a very broad world, and there are many ads winning international awards, which a more concerned about the concept, than about showing the product. To show the product, there are the inner pages of the brand's catalog. In a magazine ad, what matters is 1) to get the reader's attention when he flips among many other ads; 2) to get the right concept - and brand image - accross. And nowadays, ads need no longer be all happy and positive - many proofs of this can be found in international advertising competition, and in magazines too once in a while. So let's be careful not to underestimate an ad's selling power - it is not an easy thing to analyze, and depends on a lot of parameters, such as trend, traget market, competitors, etc.

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Michael Seeawald wrote:
"It's a grabber, that's for sure. But ...."
and thus defined the photo as a success as an ad.

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it is nice at first glance but fake, i want to see like a POW a good photo unmanipulated there are lot in this web why they are never choosed like POW??, please give me real photograph that´s for the elves, for you Silvia at least the idea is good and all my respect and nothing to reproch to you and looks nice.

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To Marc G.

Yes, my critique addressed the image as a PHOTOGRAPH, and believe that is what this site is about. Now, I also did try to appreciate it as art, and I think the idea is directly a take on Manet's Olympia. That said, and giving her the benefit of the doubt that this image was designed to "grab the attention" of the viewer--I believe every picture on this site has the same objective--I still think the concerns I had earlier are still valid. I think the image is in poor taste, as it implies an animal gorging itself on a dead human being, all to sell trinkets? Maybe, some consider this art; I don't.

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I am very sorry to have another input to this image while it is going to the end of its week, if this image taken in coniderations as being an advert , I would like to know where are the adverts elements in this image, unfortunatly there are not present at all.

If some one makes out of the watch and the ring an advert , then non the ring or watch in such details which is very essemtial for such photographic subject, may be my English isn't very good to explain my self but if I put it in another form, " if I like to do an advert for Rolex Watch dont I need to give enough signs and details to show that this is a Rolex Watch ?
Even the nigles on the cat nick do not show any sign of an advert, so where would this poorly manupolated image can serve ?
I am very sorry that the photographer might have much better photos than this and this is the one been picked for him, of course this is not his fault by any means and I am having my personnel respect for him and will look forward to see his posts in the future and enjoy viewing them.

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I like this work, good idea. Perhaps a little more dark the lower part of cat and near neck. Congratulations.

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A black male image, a white female image, a cat no less, on a vase The one thing in common seems to be the bling. Gee, I wonder what this is about.

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