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I agree with John A but I hope I am wrong, the sky is not out of the original shot of the image on the fore ground nd they do not form a good combination, they did not work together.
Yes the sky is having very moving feel and the cloud add interest but not on an original bases, indeed the static condition of the image here in general do not give any energy to the over all composition.

May be I am wrong and if so I am sorry for my personnel opinion and all of the best for the photographer.

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I think this type of a photograph is better accomplished with a large format camera because in many ways it depends on the huge amount of intricate detail and that is where a large “negative” shines. Using large format you would also be able to use a very wide angle to include much more of the sky. This would allow you to put the horizon away from center frame as John A and others have discussed. With a very wide angle lens and the movements of a view camera you could make the viewer almost fall into this scene rather than standing back a little and observing it. This photographer shoots landscapes and I wonder if he wouldn't get better results with the "right" tool.
I agree with others said about the lack of an interesting subject. It’s nearly all background and no subject. The path into the picture is nearly a cliché but in addition without it leading my eye to something interesting leaves me disappointed. It’s as if a magician mysteriously waves a cloth over a magic box and then dramatically whisks the cloth away using all the art and technique magicians use. But when he whisks the cloth away nothing happens. Still the same box.

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Thanks everybody for the comments. Just for info sake, the photo is an infrared image. After reading the critiques I agree that a greater emphasis on either the sky or foreground would probably add impact to this photo. The location is a landfill in S.F. Bay near Albany, Calif. that has become overgrown and is gradually being turned into a park. I find that clouds, especially when viewed in infrared, can be very dramatic, so I sometimes rush to that location when there's stormy weather to take advantage of that dramatic element in my landscape photos. Pretty much like using a red filter on old black and white film to boost the drama and contrast in a landscape.
It might be an interesting exercise though, to look at this image as an abstract, and see the shapes and blotches of light and dark in the image as a study of light and contrast. I can't truly state that that was foremost in my consciousness when I was making the photo, but it is generally my intention when out photographing with infrared to be aware of how light interacts with air and solid matter in the visible world. It's tough putting this into words though, even if I knew 100% what I was doing when I made that photo.

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I like it. The path leads to the heavens. Really awesome capture, and the tones, the tones! How does one achieve such beauty?


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