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self-portrait exposed wrong on purpose



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Experimentation, such as this, is really worthwhile in order to give you a sense of the process of photography. However, when you ask for comments it implies that you feel that this experiment stands alone as an image. In my opinion it does not because it has lost all of its highlights, most of its midtones and the dark values are expressed as weak grays. Why do you feel it has value as an image, as it stands?
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Well, there's a couple different reasons I'm liking this sort of thing.. I like the feel of it is the main reason.. maybe it reminds me of guesture drawing (not sure if that's what it's called), the mood it gives. I don't think it would stand well if it was rightly exposed...
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Looks strangely like pictures of the hero in "2001:A Space Odyssey" in the sequence when he's stuck in his EVA.... But I agree that it's way too altered, and annoyingly doesn't comply with usual black/white standards (you must have real black and real white!).... I think that making it just slightly darker would be good, say enough to make out the edge around the face. I might add that this strong alteration of the picture makes me feel as if you had to hide something of the background, or of the picture-taking in general.... Well, people tend to go too digital!
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