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Winter sky


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A friend of mine who is a matte painter for motion picture visual effects takes many, many photos of clouds for reference, to the point that he has a thick binder of 6x7 transparencies that look about like this. Seeing the collection as a whole is amazing.


In the context of a comprehensive collection of thousands of different kinds of clouds and weather conditions, images like this can add up to a tremendous impact... of course, my friend has a practical reason for having started to collect them, but the collection has taken on a life of its own. In ones and twos, though, they're just clouds.


Ten thousand images from now you'll have a work of art, but I'm not sure you'll be able to upload it to photo.net even if you give them $100 or something. Until you get to that point, clouds have more impact in a context, which these unfortunately do not have.


That said, I wouldn't want to dissuade you from pointing a camera at the sky because you want to. Thus, I'll refrain from actually rating your photo, but if I did I would probably give it a 4 for aesthetics (I like clouds well enough!) and a 2 for originality. (In my book, photos of small children related to the photographer get a 2 for originality if the lighting is nice, and flash-lit snapshots of groups of friends standing around at a party get a 1.)

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