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© (c) Matt Laur


Matt Laur

D200, handheld. ISO 200, 1/100th, f/6.3. Sigma 10-20 at 10mm. In-body CLS system controlling two off-camera Nikon speedlights, bouncing off of reflectors. AF-S Dynamic, manual exposure and strobe power settings. Dodged/burned in Capture NX2 from a 12-bit RAW file.


© (c) Matt Laur

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wow Matt, wish I knew what 'artist prog.' you installed.....whether it was due to it or not, I think this is one great photo.Great lighting, contrasts, textures, DOF...so sharp! congrats!!....Gail
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Thanks everybody!


I was asked by a local artist to visit her studio, and photograph her unusual array of installation works/sculptures. Her entire garage was filled with these stuppas, as she calls them, made from stacked baskets and various other found objects. She sets up installations of them in local galleries, along with many other works she's created over the years.


These objects were one to two meters tall, and were in a wretched space (photographically). I had to get creative with a couple of speedlights to produce the theatrical look while trying to avoid lighting the surrounding walls and other visual distractions. I had about 30 minutes to shoot in this space, so it was an adventure, to be sure.


To my surprise (and a bit of pleasure, I'll confess), a local magazine which covers the DC-area gallery scene will be using this shot on the cover of their upcoming March issue, in which they also interview the same artist.


So: this is my attempt at artistically presenting the work of another artist. She wanted me to try to add something to what she'd done, and I hope it worked.

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I'm increasingly appreciative when great photo shoots come knocking on my door, so I envy you this one, Matt, with an artist no less --- it's a doozy. Seeing the color one first, the B&W is less impressive...until I give it its own time and then it, too, is impressive. She should be very happy. I am.
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This is very interesting and very nice, Matt! It makes me want to pull out my Sigma 10-20 and do more with it. I like how you worked out the lighting here. I have been trying to work with DXO OpticsPro for corrections for the 10-20...no success as of yet.


Have a good day!



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this is indeed a craftfull shot, not that that comes as a surprise. I do wonder though if it wouldn't have a more natural look if you reduced the yellow somewhat because to be honest I think there's a little too much of that in this photo.
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Thanks, Ton. It is a little saturated, ain't it. This exactly how I provided it to the publisher (who just sent me a small stack of their new magazine issue, with this image on the cover), and since it was worked into a graphic design (with the title, etc), this actually works better than a something that's a little less intense.


No question that - seen as photograph for its own sake - that I should relax it just a bit.

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Well it's not a big national magazine, but it gets a lot of visibility in the regional arts scene. I'm pretty happy about it. I haven't spent much time pursuing that sort of visibility (but I'll take it!).
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This is awesome, Matt. Shooting these must have been fun. I think your photographs are probably as interesting as the artist's sculptues. They remind me of a group of soldiers or, alternatively, can be seen architecturally. Cool!





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