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"Highland Dance"


Manual blend of three separate exposures in Photoshop

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Thanks Ton. Well lets see, where to begin. I might say that it is rather presumptuous of you to think that your point of view would spoil the party, as if anyone who previously commented favorably would come back and change their mind or anybody that followed would find this garish or gaudy based on your opinion. A contrary comment from Ton and lights out. Well it is better to have a high opinion of yourself than to have low self esteem, so I shouldn't fault you there. You mention a color correction. This would certainly make a lengthy discussion. Once again, you speak as if you were there and you know the color was not this intense. Well it couldn't be, because clouds are white and various shades of grey aren't they. I hold the belief that color correction is more subjective than objective. We know that water is blue, but a glass of water has no color. Snow is white, but snow in the shade is not. The landscape is influenced by ambient light conditions and therefore the rules won't be hard and fast. If this image were to be truly color corrected, the result would be something from a different planet (in other words, make the clouds gray and white and you would have blue grass). It is a very vibrant image, and if orange and yellow are not your favorite colors, then put this print back on the shelf. Someone else will come along and snatch it up. Ton, I like your candor. It is refreshing compared to many of the accolades. I enjoy observations from both sides of the fence!
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not said nor implied while "in my mind" deals specifically with my perception. That's as personal as the perception of anyone else. I was merely being flamboyant. But of course that doesn´t have to mean that I´m not presumptuous or don´t have a high opinion of myself, who´s to say. I can only say what I believe to be true and anyone including you may accept, dismiss or neglect that but if the criteria should be that you had to be there than we can safely stop reviewing eachothers work


You're absolutely right in saying that colour and the impression thereoff can lead to a lengthy (and most likely useless I think) discussion. The difference here is I think that I put more emphasis on the technical side rather than the artistic one i.e. how technique is used succesfully or not in my opinion. I may be right or I may be wrong but it´s still my opinion.

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if you use words like "overcooked", then you may be implying that the color is artificial or was introduced postpro, but the only way you would have any reference is if perhaps you were a witness to the actual scene. "After some color correction" is also addressing the accuracy of the color temperature. Those remarks are not opinionated, they target the images integrity. It's quite alright, however. I was there. If someone asked me to swear on a stack of bibles that this is indeed the actual colors, I would hesitate. If someone asked me to do the same based on recollection, I would say this is my best impression of the scene as I remember. I think what you are trying to point out is that the light within the scene is too strong and has spoiled the "broth", therefore in need of some color adjustment. That is certainly a fair assessment.
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Well, rather than continue this spirited discussion, I had to see how this would look with less yellow. It is a definite improvement. If I were stubborn, I would never know. Ton, you may still think it is only worthy once all of the color is sucked out, like a vampire making the girls face turn white, but that is just how we differ. Thanks for the "in my mind" Ton!

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I've told you often enough that I'm an opinionated sod so that should be no surprise anymore ;-) Spirited discussion? Hell no, if we'd been sitting in the same room looking at your print it would have been spirited. Just some discussion amongst peers I'd say. I can be a real bastard sometimes, I know, but in fact I keep going back to my own photo's again and again and try to improve them, often bit by bit and over an extended period of time. Of all the photo's I took over the years there are only a relative few that I'm really satisfied with.To give just one example I have a large print hanging in my sitting room that belongs to my personal favourites and I consider it one of the best I ever made. I had it printed in a prolab that does most of my work and it is perfectly printed, couldn't have been better. But by enlarging it to a width of 1 meter I again found a minor flaw. There's a photographer friend who really wants that photo but he won't get it before that is corrected.


In general I think that most photographers are far too easily satisfied. Browsing through the forums here you'll regularly find people stating that digital has meant they can do their conversions in 2-3 minutes. I find that as hilarious as it is sad because in fact I think they've stopped learning. I know you put extensive time in, experimenting and mastering new techniques but the sad fact is that most are too easily impressed with their own results, at least I thjink so. I strive to get mine better just like you, constantly.


You're wrong though, while I think it looks great in b&w the simple fact is that it wouldn't be your photo anymore nor do I think that it needs b&w. Yes, we regularly hold different opinions but in fact that's OK because I learn from your knowledge and insights as well and that's what it's all about.


Thanks for giving it a try

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Well, is it an improvement! I believe so, enough to replace the original I think. BTW, congrats on being the Featured Photographer for P.N. Very nice piece they did on you and you are very deserving. Thnx again Ton for your help on this image, Cheers!
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of course it is. But I didn't do that much apart from providing a little hint.


Thanks Mark. Yes, it seems I gained a little notoriety. I fact I was surprised when I got the invitation but pleasantly so. It sure is nice to get the extra exposure.

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Nice shot Mark! This is one of my favorites from your portfolio. The adjusted 'Ton' version looks great too, but I prefer the original - the yellow glow is more natural in my opinion. Keep up the good work!
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Well done you two, in my humble opinion, the second version is an significant improvement on a stunning original. My first reaction to the original was wow! and then, are the foreground rocks right - too bright, too saturated? For me, the revision makes for a much more pleasing image.
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Mark. Whata terrific image you took.I love those rolling hills and the rock makes this place look just fantastic. I like how the rocks show that redish warm tone.

Is that close to the 58 freeway?



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Thanks Alex! yes, this is along hwy 58 as you are heading to Tehachapi. The only way to get this shot is to park off the highway and then climb the fence, so you are considered on private property. be careful if you plan to shoot here!

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