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© Picture belongs to Ignacy Ciesielka

Horses in the snow.

ISO 800 200mm f/6.3 1/100sec


© Picture belongs to Ignacy Ciesielka

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Hi Iggy. Welcome to PN. I don't want to sound discouraging, but this shot does little for me. I think mostly, it lacks focus. Here are a few things I would try...


Try cropping in on the horses a little tighter. There's too much going on around them and they're getting lost. I don't know about you, but I'm not too interested in the second horse's rump. You might want to wait for him (or encourage him) to turn around. The snow on the ground is nice, but the snow in the air (I think) is distracting. You might want to wait until that clears, but this may be a personal note as sometimes flying snow adds.


The most important thing is to have fun and keep shooting. You've got a good start here.


Anyway, just my perspective. Remember, this is all quite subjective.

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José thank you for your comment.

Michael there is no bad critique as long as it’s constructive.I am here to learn and polish my skills. That’s whole point of me asking for critique.You have made your point and I agree with it. Your crop is very interesting and gives to my picture a different perspective. It’s true it’s out of focus. Usually I am “sharpness maniac”. In this case I was thinking that this picture might not be about the horses. I thought about the picture that some one could say “ hey! Can you see the horses in that blizzard? ”. It’s not much of the blizzard though but hey! You can’t order that one ;-). It was freezing cold, chaotic so I took that picture hand-held ad hoc! hoping it will preserve my feelings at that time. I manipulated it in Light Room to make horses to fade in to the background and make it better visible when you watch the picture from the distance. As you mentioned, everything is very subjective and I am glad you showed me another option for my picture. I might use it as well. Thank you.


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Hi Iggy. I probably should have more clear. I wasn't so concerned with the in focus or out of focus aspects of the pictue, but rather the distraction that the background bushes provide. I thought a tighter crop might force the viewers' focus in on the horse. As agreed, art is subjective and this is just my view.
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