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Excellent capture, Daily. Perfect title for this scene. I agree with Cherlyn's comment about the 3D effect in this image. Good shot! Regards!
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and inventive comments.


Yet it looks like as the more straining a visit of DPs works becomes, the less they are frequented. A normal reaction, by the way.


As this is a BIG GAME for me, what means that PN isnt my source of recognition and prosperity,


and I have one year left of my subscription, I think I could start a test named:





To Kind Popular Empty Phrases.


But this isnt meant as an affront against the intelligent, sensitive dozen which accompanied me the last years, so I fear that I have to stop commenting their pictures.


And of course I know that I shouldnt be astonished then about not getting comments of them any more - or more than I got the last week.

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I hope you don't stop "playing" as you call it, because I enjoy your photographic company and your sense of humor ..;-))


This is an interesting position and details of the dog, it is so close that I can touch him, very well presented him ( even though he looks a bit a scarry creature....;-)) he is well "integrated" in this surrounding. A beautiful dog and photograph.

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Thirsty in a desert of water. Good eye and title. I was wondering about a shallower depth-of-field, but that way it would be only about the dog. Your rendition tells a story.
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licking his huge ice lolly.


I tell you another story:


Mary Ball PN:" I'm deleting your thread from the Photograph of the Week forum. We're looking for constructive positive and/or negative points to help readers understand why a photo is a good one or not."


DP: "I have no problem to accept that a sentence like "I like the spontaneous

feel in this image..." for a posed situation is more helpful. In your eyes."


Mary Ball PN: "That would be great... It's more of a critique..."

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Well, just see PN as a plaground, a place to pass time & make friends. It has 'unsaid' rules & regluations, some not to to our liking but I still its the many nice people that make me stay all these years ( unkind ones, I ignore & let them be). Just take what happen here like a pinch of salt, We still SUPPORT you, dear friend.
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hello DP ,


I am back after a very long time and my first stop was your page ( including mine :))

I tried to read the postings but could not comprehend exactly what has been going on but I hope nothing has upset you enough for you to move to the level of change.

I know I have been away for a long time ( due to problems with my finger which nearly left me handicapped but all is better now and I have made my peace and ready to post )

but all my friends here have been with me all the time , you being at the top .

So PN without DP would be like , well ....

summer without the sun,winter without the snow , french fries without the ketchup and I could go on ...

So let that change be no change.


For the photo well not a lot to say but as always perfect .

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I am just collecting some fitting phrases for a "nice period":



Beautiful work, NAME !


Very nice work, NAME !



Precioso encuadre, luz, color y belleza, Saludos NAME !


Preciosa luz y color, magnifica composicion y un bello encuadre. Saludos cordiales NAME .



very beautiful shot...congrats






Very impressive and artistic capture.


beautiful image, very nice focus and DOF. Best regards DP







I thank you for all your comments, compliments and ratings!

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You made yourselff the most funniest comment on this one: he was bussy to lick his enormous ice-lolly....


What is going on DP ??? You for sure know how to confuse people, or me is better to say, does this mean I don't get any visit anymore from you??? I am still recovering from the absence of Andrea.


I also remember a longggggggggggggggg time ago that you couldn't say WOW or GREAT, what is wrong with that, and I also did get a message from MBal: I'm deleting your thread from the Photograph of the Week forum.


I did congrat Jack McRitchie, and I did say he deserves it !!! But we live in a world with rules, probably like you, I am allergic to rules, but we have to find a way in it,


-with love Els (also a stupid way to end a comment, but I do it a lot)



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I know the rule not to leave congratulations as a comment at the POW. And my comments were not like that, for sure. Yes, comments, for three of three (at different pictures) were deleted. But this isnt a complaint, I merely learnt that at the moment my comments are not needed. But there happen more serious things in the world, although - maybe the reasons are identical.
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the light is so smooth...ice or water (and snow) have some magical effect by reflecting and smoothing light and shadows...it further gives a peaceful atmosphere...the dog is licking the ice and its tongue looks like the prisoned leaves...besides that, fur texture and color lis what strike most in this image...
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Hello Daily !


Loved your composition.


Same here... but I missed you guys that's why I am

still here...



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I thought the dog was on a beach until I looked closer! With the reflections of it's legs and nose, seems almost to float!
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Wherefore art thou? We miss you on photo.net. I hope you are well and simply too busy to post. Best Wishes for 2010. Drop by and say hello some time. Regards, Jack
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