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a sunny lane


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kinda herald of spring, hope you like it :)


honest words, suggestions and ratings are always very appreciated, thanks, patrick


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You've chosen a complete road over 1/2 of a tree. I think I would have chosen a complete tree over just a portion of the road. I find the split tree to be a bit disconcerting, although I can also see why you liked the country lane aspect of this photo. I'd try to preserve the country lane without cutting the tree in half.
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I see your point, and I guess you're mostly right. it wasn't the best of all ideas to cut the tree in halfs. is this perspective kinda like the one you were thinking of:



and to show you, that I had the same thoughts about the somehow distracting tree-crop, here's a little experiment (nothing more though):



thanks again for your time, would be great to hear your thoughts on these 2

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Patrick, it's a bit hard to say just sitting here looking at my monitor and not actually being there on the ground, but I think I would tend to go mid-way between your two alternatives. I think in the second you've actually got too much of the tree, there is too much space to the right of the tree, and the tree (rather than the country road) has become the primary subject. From your original, I think you need to step to the right a bit (and/or back up a bit), get the full trunk into the frame, but end up cropping some of the branches on the right side of the tree. In my mind, this scene is all about the tree and the road, and you've got to get the two working together; your original was too much road and not enough tree, and your second in too much tree and not enough road. This is known as the "Goldilocks principle" of photography. ;>)


Another thing is those contrails. I usually try to avoid them, but to see so many parallel streaks is intriguing; I might also try a shot from your new position and raise the camera to get as many trails as you can (as you've done in your first alternative).

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Scrolling down all the photos for critique, this photo grabbed my eye. Yes, the composition is questionable. However, that is what caught my eye! I do not believe that all the rules of composition are to be strictly adhered to. This is called, "creativity" and you can NOT place rules on creativity because they destroy that process.


I believe you took an ordinary scene and made something special out of it by not following the "rules of photography". As for the contrails, they are there, live with it!


Jim 7/7

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I had a fair number of comments and suggestions, but I don't think I was following any "rules" in making my suggestions; I was just trying to envision what I think would look good (at least to my eye, and I understand we all have different eyes).
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thanks for your lot of ideas and your honest words. I think it's as important to hear others views as paying attention to your own ideas.


the same goes for "rules" (in photography) - try to work with them but if it feels right to break the rules, then break the rules.

especially in photography it's not all about rules and technical perfection, it's about feelings, personal viewpoints, telling stories, transporting emotions, ...


your thoughts are very appreciated and I will keep your words in mind. it helps me a lot to get any kind of input from others. sometimes I just go blind on my personal point of view.


thanks again for your time, I'm glad for hints or suggestions

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I am very happy to get a different 'voice' on my shot as well. it's not (only) the fact that you like the way I did this shot :) it's more the idea of a small discussion around what I did and how people react to it.

isn't that also something photography is about? showing people your way of thinking, of looking, your impressions and encourage them to think about your way of showing something and how they like it / would have done it?


thanks for your comment, cheers,


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Isn't that what makes PN so wonderful! We can all have different and varing opinions on every shot seen on this site. I enjoy the multitude of ideas and treasure each and EVERY comment, not only on my photos, but on others as well. Make you a bet. Take any one scene, place two or more photographic artists there and I guarantee the shots will be different. If this was not true I would just be buying throw-away point and shoots!


Steven, I hope you were not thinking I was attacking your critique!



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thanks James/Jim (?), your words brighten up my day, they make my day :)


photography means so much more to me than pressing the shutter of an electronic device, and PN is just one great way to share this experience, to broaden one's horizon.


thanks for your different ideas on one topic/scene, guys

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