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Crystal Mill Color

bobby douglas


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An excellent shot. I haven't even looked at the B&W version yet, but I find it hard to believe it could be more interesting than this colour version. I think the colour is much more relevant considering the natural elements. To me this picture 80% nature, with 20% depicting man's attempt to harness that nature. The one thing I keep coming back to is the focal length used. I believe the profile listed a 65mm lens. It's probably just the proportions of the scale of the mill vs. the opening of the falls in the foreground, but I sense a wow-effect that suggests to me a much wider angle was used.....say 24 or 28mm lens. This perception really increases the interest in the picture for me. Excellent shot.
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im not suggesting that you ripped this image off but i have seen this exact image in a calender from dreamscapescalenders reported to have been taken by a peter mukherjee . i cant remember what years calender it was in but i am absolutly certain that it was this shot. contact me at martinstott@ntlworld.com and i`ll give you more details as to why im certain of my facts
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just saw the same shot in "photographic" magazine pg 40 June 2004. the one in the magazine reads "bob lilly". same guy, different last name, or just popular place to take a picture?
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A bunch of you need to read this. . . .


I have a shot - several, actually - of the Glade Creek Grist Mill in Babcock state park in West Virginia, THE most popular photography spot in the state.. I'm familiar with the exact location of the tripod and the framing that makes for the best composition (not that others aren't also OK). I'm sure there are thousands of versions of exactly the same shot, keeping in mind that slight differences in weather (lighting), exposure, and film choice would make for subtle differences - but so would how it would be printed in a publication.


I seem to recall that Bobby has reported that this is the most popular photography subject in Colorado. I would expect to see a lot of prints of this subject that look pretty much the same as this, along with quite a few that don't quite measure up.

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I have been to the Crystal Mill (aka Dead Horse Mill)twice, and have never been able to get the photo I want of it. Each time there were huge contrats between the bright waterfall, the sky, the darker mill, and the even darker river in the shadows. You have done a great job on this one.


For the record, the locals call this the Crystal Mill, as does the book written by Roger A. Neal, called "Crystal...What Really Happened. The mill produced compressed air to run a mine.


You can access the mill from Marble, Colorado by 4-wheel drive if there hasn't been an avalanche. To access it from Schofield Pass is extremely dangerous and should be done by nothing bigger than an ATV and a driver with experience. The Devils Punchbowl is a killer. If you make it there you are in for a treat. Again, good job on this photo!

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Of all the pictures of Crystal that I have seen, I like this one the best, both in terms of lighting and composition. I am going to be there in  a few months myself. I don't expect to do nearly as well as this, but thought I would ask you what time of day it was taken? I figure I might as well give myself the best shot at doing it right... thanks!

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There are several places in Marble Colorado that specialize in taking people to the mill. This is one trip I have on my list. 

This shot is very nice, if it had been taken in the dawn or dusk you never would have gotten the stream detail in the back ground, and the trees colors would not have been as vibrant. The mill has been shot by thousands of photographers, but it's beauty never gets old.

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