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this is as tightly controlled as a exposure as it is expertly postprocessed. The skill is obvious. I like the panoramic feel and while you might get some flack over those powerlines that could be easily removed I'm glad you've kept them because they simply belong there and keep your photo from becoming too clinical. Your composition is exemplary. In short, I like this one, very much in fact. We hold a different opinion over toning so there is no need commenting on what's basically a preference. Still, in this case however I think you've toned it a tad too warm and a slightly cooler look would fit in nicely with your subject. All in all this is a photo that a lot of people could learn a great deal from simply because it's that good.
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I hesitated to even post this image as I knew it would not be well received. I'm glad that someone saw something in this very simple image. If you have traveled the American south west this is a very typical sighting. Like in the old silver and gold mining days this is a symbol of changing times and failed dreams. Today America is filled with just this sort of thing and to me this image is a sign of old times and present day happenings. In the desert even now one must take care to take advantage of supplies when they are available. This might have been the last chance to get supplies and gas up for hundreds of miles. The pumps are gone, the store's empty, and the dreams are gone. It was the "last chance Texaco."
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I am totally taken with this image as well. This is just a fabulous composition and exposure. This has interesting elements from left to right as the eye traverses it. There's a real feeling of the American West and an earlier time about this image; and maybe a sense of optimism and hope just around the corner to the right. And maybe you're right that this somehow reflects the times we are in now. Leaving the stark desolation of the past eight years, and we are now ready to turn the corner to a more hopeful and upbeat future. One can only hope...


Well seen, captured, and processed. I remember, so very clearly, the afternoon that you, Ray, and I stopped here at Amargosa and took our photographs. This a good one, Amigo! Cheers! Chris

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I was not going to ask for a critique on this image but because of the

responses of my photo buddiea Ton and Chris I changed my mind. This

was my respose to Ton's comment:

" I hesitated to even post this image as I knew it would not be well

received. I'm glad that someone saw something in this very simple

image. If you have traveled the American south west this is a very

typical sighting. Like in the old silver and gold mining days this is

a symbol of changing times and failed dreams. Today America is filled

with just this sort of thing and to me this image is a sign of old

times and present day happenings. In the desert even now one must take

care to take advantage of supplies when they are available. This might

have been the last chance to get supplies and gas up for hundreds of

miles. The pumps are gone, the store's empty, and the dreams are gone.

It was the "last chance Texaco."

I think that Chris's comment speaks volumes and I too believe that a

new beginning is just around that corner.

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Chris you sure do have a way with words and I agree with everything you so eloquently said. It is a new day and new beginning and hope is just around that corner.


Ton thank you for all your encouraging words and it's always good to hear from you.

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Well I can't add much to the above comments as I feel the same way- I can't imagine why you thought this image wouldn't be well received - it is excellent in every way - from your technical handling to all of the aesthetic considerations - very well done in what I always find to be very difficult lighting conditions - glad I saw it!


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Excellent choice of Sepia to express your subject! I am glad you did post this... I feel this is a Captivating view of time past in America. Usually I am a 'nit picker' on telephone poles and lines... However, in this case, I feel they enhance the overall subject. All the elements are there... Outstanding contrast, tones and lighting, VERY Well Composed and Very Beautiful!!! Well Done!
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