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Old Trick


I was truly fascinated when I saw this plumb near a construction site the other day. Despite the fact that this wonderful method of obtaining exact vertical line was devised thousand of years ago, it is but still being utilized today. I am at awe to see the intelligence of man to discover such a simple but effective technique. I was totally inspired. Without hesitation, I asked the site supervisor to let me have the plumb so that I can photograph it. After much persuasion, the supervisor shook his head and passed me the apparatus.
1 - To prepare the dramatic background, I utilized a piece of white paper measured 4'x4'. I used spray can paint to spray on the paper arbitrary. Then, I hang the paper about 45 degree and 2 feet away from the window.
2 - Next, I tied the plumb on a cross bar and hang it about 3 feet away from the paper and approximately 3.5 feet from the ground. While waiting for my sister to get ready, I begin to play with the aperture to obtain the desire DOF.
3 - I have to pay my sister 50bucks to get her hand painted with poster color. Though she was rather excited in the beginning but after about 30 mins of entering the act, she was kind of regretting it.
4 - Next, I asked my sister to sit beneath the plumb and told her to hold her hands high and formed a shape much like a lotus flower. The biggest challenge was to maintain a symmetrical form between her hands and the plumb while not touching it. Even a slight rush will cause the plumb to swing and I have to wait for it to settle so that I could resume shooting.
5 - And thus the shooting begins. The session sounds easier than done. My impatient sister though was cooperative but was complaining through out the entire sessions. Holding up her hand high was rather tiring so she said. After numerous adjustments to position of my sister's hand and fingers I finally got this shot.
Aperture: F5.6.
Shutter speed: 1/15s.
Light source: Natural light from window.
Filter: Circular polarizing filter.
Time: A few hours.

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Hi Steve! You are ever so detailed on your presentation that it took much more time in reading it than in looking at the photo :-)))

GREAT IMAGE ,original and essential! Anna


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Steve, you're work is consistently my favorite on photo.net, and your explanations of technique are very valuable. Keep it up! I look forward to seeing a lot more from you!
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Thanks for the complete description. It's an invaluable learning tool. The image is fantastic. Graphically strong yet simple. Well thought out and set up. Top notch work.
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I like the way you photographing. My respect to the painted hands of your sister and ,of course, the 50 bucks:-)
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Steve, I have just looked at your folder am thrilled to see someone that tells his tricks. I am hoping to take a photography class soon but in the mean time I can use some of your tips to get me started. Thanks for taking the time to tell us step by step. Great eye and great colors!
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The only improvement I can suggest is that I would have liked to see her hands with out the cracked paint. Not sure if that is possible, but maybe experiment with different paints or body latex. That is if you can get your sister to do it again. :-) Great job!
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You spent time to take the photo, you spent time to explain, thus you deserve that we spend a little bit of our time to comment ... and concgratualte !!!!!
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excellent work.........

Steve,glad to meet you here too, I just started here, so still have to adjust.

kind regards, Helmut

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great photo and photo's thank you much for adding so much technical details on this picture and the rest of your folders, i wish sometimes more photographers would spend more time explaining their methods in technical details..........lovely job :-)
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This is excellent, being in the construction feild for years ive used these plumb's on many occasions. This is a very original and an artistic image no dought, great work Steve and love your portfolio.



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Little Jack Horner

Sat in a corner,

Eating a Christmas pie;

He put in his thumb,

And pulled out a plum (bob),

And cried What a good boy am I.


All my plumbs are brass and every time I have used them there has been a substantial wind blowing causing the thing to swing like a monkey in a tree. I really like the red plumb bob (I am jealous) and the white painted hands. What ever made you think of that, other than wanting to torment your sister? I agree with everyone in their praise of including technical details, that is a refreshing change. You can also measure angles quite nicely by combining the plumb bob with a protractor (sight along the bottom of the inverted protractor with the string anchored to the center point and resting lightly against the scale).


For me this photo falls into the category of a photo illustration, where I would imagine it being used in a newspaper or magazine to accompany an article. An apple on a string (or a plum) would have worked as well. These type of photos are not my cup of tea but I do admire the thought and effort that went into making it. I think red fingernail polish might have been an interesting variation on this theme. Dave Nitsche (id=418398) comes to mind as the local photo.net master of these type of shots.


It sounds like the purpose of this shot is to satisfy the photographers fascination with this particular object by applying his own personal vision to the subject at hand. That sounds like the innocent beginnings of pure photographic worship to me but I prefer the mystery of random found objects in their natural environment for the real spiritual essence of photography. Thank goodness everyone here is tolerant of each others passions.

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Hi Steve,


You and I hve talked about this photo in depth before, so I don't

have anything new to contibute to this discussion, but I did want

to take a moment to congratulate you on having the POW. It's

weel earned.

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After pondering the mysteries that motivate photography a bit more, I have concluded that my previous ramblings were pretty much on target. There really does appear to be a religious connotation to this photograph. The hands appear to be in a posture that would suggest worship and the red plumb bob appears to be magically suspended from the heavens. I think the plumb bob represents a heart and in that sense the essence of life. I suppose other groups such as the Masons have other connotations for these symbols but I am thinking the perfectly vertical line goes straight up to an invisible heaven and perhaps the red plumb bob is pointing to the other destination.
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