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White Out #11

paolo de faveri

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I love snow, as it discloses to you an entire new world of creative

possibilities ad just transforms ordinary scenes into winter

wonderlands. Taken in the fields around home early in the morning.

Your C&C are as always welcome, thanks for your time.


Details: Eos 50D, Tokina ATX-Pro 12-24 f4, tripod - Stitching of 3

vertical frames, double exposure blending for each

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I admire that you can get up in weather like this, hike out, and set up your equipment. In this case it was really worth the effort. This is a beautiful, soothing, photograph. I especially like the way the trees in the back right fade into the mist after the eye has been lead there by the meandering stream. And the fact that it is snowing also adds a further uniqueness to the photo. Very nicely done.
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very nice capture. I will expand on the comment about the trees in the upper right. To me they are invisible to the eye until you follow the stream. They are like a pleasant suprise and add a so to speak second life to the photograph after you initally take in the colors of the front tree and then realize they are back there. Its almost like two seperate photographs.
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Lovely composition Paolo. Like how the eye follows the snow falling on the dark stream , resting on the tree with the still hanging on autumn leaves,acting as a dividing line to the slowly fading trees in the background. Well done. Best regards-Ross
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Immagine eccellente! Atmosfera da sogno in uno scatto invernale assolutamente meraviglioso....fantastica! 7/7anon....e complimenti!
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Very nice winter landscape. I like how you can see the falling snow in the aera where the stream is. NIce work.



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Bellissima, Paolo, i tuoi paesaggi mi piacciono molto, questa poi ha un fascino particolare ed a mio gusto, una grande eleganza. Ci sono dei punti di forza per quanto riguarda il discorso cromatico, eccellenti in questa foto, non parlo da fotografa, sono abbastanza agli inizi in questo settore, ma da pittrice con anni di pratica in questa campo e con la 'deformazione professionale' di essere sempre molto attenta al cromatismo appunto. Il bianco della neve, con la parte scura del ruscello e quei lampi di ruggine nelle foglie sono assolutamente affascinanti, non e' la foto di paesaggio sotto la neve dove il bianco la fa da padrone e rende tutto qualche volta troppo......glaciale: qui ci sono quelle punte piccole di colore che riscaldano l'immagine e la rendono come ho gia' elegante e piacevolissima da guardare e riguardare.



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