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For the life of the flesh is in the blood.


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Jack is right about the Rembrandt comment. The lighting here is impressive. What ISO setting did you use to obtrain such sharp results with no tripod, I presume?
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Thank you Emmanuel, you're right I didn't use tripod in any of this pictures. ISO was set to 160; what helped me a lot in there was the bright light used by the surgical team, and the use of spot metering. Thanks for your visit and comments.
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Tatjana, having this image compared to such a wonderful painting, is about as nice a comment as one can receive; I don't really think I'm even near that, but really appreciate you liking this photo.




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I'm a little late but congratulations on both image and baby but mostly baby. I'm glad Mother and her are fine.
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Thank you Kent, always a pleasure having you around. We're actually great......I must admit to be utterly in love with my two women.
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Hola Juan Carlos:


Lamentablememnte he estado muy ocupado y no habia tenido tiempo de volver a ver tu portafolio y he quedado realmente boquiabierto con lo nuevo que has incluido


La serie sobre tu nuevo bebe es sencillamente espectacular-nuevamente felicitaciones a ti y a tu sennora.


Esta foto realmente me ha llegado al alma como foto y como testimonio de lo que estabas viendo y sintiendo.

La composicion y especialmente la iluminacion son sencillamente espectaculares


Felicitaciones Maestro !

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Congratulations to the photographer, but above all to the happy father and mother. No words can tell what it is like to become a father and mother, so let me just wish you, family and baby all the best, Juan Carlos.
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Gracias Ricardo, aprecio mucho tus comentarios; decir que te ha llegado al alma, me complace sobremanera, ya que fue justo un momento de gran emotividad y significado el que busque plasmar en la foto. Los sentimientos son indescriptibles, pero algo ayudan las imagines a transmitir eso que va mucho mas allá de las palabras.

Gracias Maestro!


Thank you Laurent, indeed there are no words to describe the Keeling; however an image might help transmit that into the viewer, I hope I accomplished some of that, in sharing the fright, thrill, and ultimate joy that comes with such a moment.



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