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To live is to be slowly born.


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The birth of my second child. Though not as shocking as my previous

post, I still wanted to maintain some of the crudeness on that one. Both

brutal and soul lifting, this is one of the best moments in a man's life.

Thank you for all your comments,

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Thank you Jeff, it certainly is one of the more moving and awe inspiring moments in the life of any man.
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Taking over the world one baby at a time. You've got your work cut out for you :-)


Interesting how most of the image is blurred from motion and your son is rock steady and sharp.


I would love to be a fly on the wall when you show this to his first girlfriend.

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Antes que nada, felicidades por el nacimiento de Paula, bueno ahora ya la conozco :-), me han impresionado estas tres imágenes que nos presentas,tanto por como están realizadas como por esa pequeña reflexión que haces en cada una de ellas... Sin duda son unos documentos gráficos de gran valor, algo mucho más que unas imágenes. Un fuerte abrazo y lo mejor para este 2009 que también justo acaba de nacer
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Thank you Jack, I really appreciate your visit and comment.


Gordon, that would really be a priceless moment, wouldn't it? But really, I couldn't do that, to my daughter, yes: baby is a she!!!! .......and that's me being really thrilled about it; I so much wanted a girl.


Mario, muchas gracias por todo lo que has dicho; de verdad que estas imágenes tienen un gran significado. Me da gusto que te hayan gustado.

Te mando un fuerte abrazo, y mis mejores deseos, para este año, que todavía huele a nuevo.


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Juan, being a supervisor in a maternity hospital for many years, I think that all 3 are a wonderful series of a Caesarean section operation. This is THE spote on moment of birth in an operating room. I know how hard it was for you ,as not a medical stuff, and being close emotionaly to the process.


Good end is a happy end, and the result of a new life is wonderful. Good luck!

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No se como tuviste pulso para sacar estas fotos, yo estaba como una moto, no se.... era como tener miedo, nervios y una gran felicidad a la vez, sin duda uno de los mejores momentos de mi vida. Que bien que tengas estas tomas para enseñarselas agun dia! Un saludo amigo mio!
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Gordon, the problem here, as you can clearly see, is the Doctor.....silly him, not letting us see if it's a boy or a girl. ;) I mean, next time: wear pink scrubs people!


Pnina, extremely emotional involvement, really makes taking pictures, quite a challenge....however, I would be lying by not telling that holding the camera in my hand, made it less difficult; as odd as it may seem. Thank you for your visit and comment, I really appreciate it.


Josu, gracias amigo! Es cierto, es una mezcla de sentimientos, muy compleja y que difícilmente se le puede explicar a alguien que no la haya vivido.




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Otra excelente imagen y documento, de tan magnifico acontecimiento.Un instante inolvidable para disfrutarlo toda la vida.


Un cordial saludo -Tolo.

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Muchas gracias Tolo, aprecio mucho tus comentarios.


Elena, molto grazie! Realmente apprezzo il vostro commento gentile.

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Hi Juan,

Now I have viewed both life and death on PN in the same day. You don't get much more intense than this. Just Incredible! Take Care Katherine

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Katherine, thank you for your visit and comments. You say well, this was very intense and incredible!


Allison, thank you. The courageous one, was with out any doubt my wife. This series is just my way of documenting such bravado, and courageousness.

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... terrifying and ennobling at the exact same time. There is something so shocking and sensitive about the brutality that resulted in life like this. I can only congratulate you on the birth, and on the photograph.
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Dennis, think you for your visit and comments, I really appreciate them. This indeed was a moment of extreme shock and soul moving sensitivity, a life changing experience, like there are no others.


Ivana, Emma, thank you both!


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Ioannis, thank you very much for your kind words.


Alejandro, agradezco mucho tus comentarios. Efectivamente es una imagen cruda, me alegra que a pesar de ello, mantuviera el espiritu conmovedor de un nacimiento......pero que puedo decir, siendo el padre, toda objetividad se pierde.


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Me imagino que repartiste los puros. ;) Gracias por compartir este momento tan especial e intimo por medio de estas magnificas tomas.
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