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Cement Wall

Todd Kowalski

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don't despair. Some of us are out here ;-). I like the boldness of that overwhelming red coloured door here in your appropiate minimalistic composition. I think you pushed rather hard here and I like that. But beyond that it doesn't hold that much interest for me to be honest, or in other words it doesn't leave a lasting impression.
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I'm not a critic or an expert but I like your picture. The color jumps and the composition is pleasing. You've taken a boring wall and made it worth looking at.
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Hey Todd, it can be a bit bleak out there at times, critically speaking, can't it? The photo: I like it. As already mentioned, it is bold. I like the fact that the door doesn't actually sit flush with the ground. It kind of just seems to boldly hang there. I tend to like the use of negative space, but it doesn't work for everyone. Not really sure how you could jazz this up to hold people's attention, but maybe thowing in a beautiful women would do the trick. (It might also help link this photo to the selected 'fashion' category. Sorry, couldn't resist. Were you location scouting?)
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Ton, Thanks for redeeming the fact that some of you are out there. I must admit that many might not find this to be of any lasting impression. It is minimalistic.

The back of a warehouse with at least twelve of these doors,as well as garage doors of the same color. Thank you for your honest feedback.


Brian, I liked the total splash of color on the otherwise bland wall too. Thank you for your comment.


Devon, Location Scouting? No, but good idea! Naked Woman present at the time?

No (hard to find spontaneously). It's funny that you suggested that I might have put this under another category like "Fashion". I have done such in the past throwing some images into the "Nude" category while they had no human bodies in them at all.

I was amazed at how many comments I got, though some seemed a bit perplexed or even angry because the could not find the "Nude" which they were led to believe would be there.


Thank you, with Regards to you all,



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Hey Todd, that wasn't a suggestion. If I remember correctly, it was actually listed under fashion in the critique forum. Let's be fair, she wouldn't have to be nude for a fashion shot. Some model in welding goggles lighting a cigarette with a blow torch or some such cliched approach would work just as well! ;^)
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Devon, You are right on all counts! I did put one of the eight that I uploaded this morning under "Fashion", ( I just wasn't sure which one), and the model would not have to be nude for a more appealing shot.

I guess it all stands on the fact that this is all it is and I had no model nude or otherwise.


Thanks for righting the issue.



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Man...do I know how you feel about the empty space! I don't mind so much though, it allows me to focus more on what really matters to me...that buzz that you get when your shutter fires...and you know you love it before you even see it on a screen.


I like this....the way the door hangs on the wall and you can't see the floor. The patterns and seam in the concrete, the door seemingly a portal into whatever the viewer imagines, but with a warning on the door to pull the eye. Great minimalism.


Ton has a valid point and his honesty is "as rare as hens teeth", and not just on this site. It's something I have been grappling with quite heavily these past few weeks myself....as I love this type of shot....how to better hold the viewers interest? Or is it just one of those things that the viewer either enjoys or doesn't?





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Todd, I totally understand what your saying. It does get quiet at times. I have posted several, wanting, needing some comments, and input. I had issues with photos, and was hoping for some help. Sometimes it is just not there. And what a great idea with the whole nude and fashion thingy. I am so going to try that. Anyway. I really like this photo, The textures and color are great. Well done !!
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