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Clifford On The Road


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what am I missing here?? And who the hell is this clifford creature you all seem to adore so much???? Is this was a joke??
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I have been ashamed, but can bare it no longer. I must let the truth out. I confess that I used photoshop in a recent posting. This is the real image. Thank You Clifford, for relieving me of the burden of such intolerable guilt!

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Yes... well... I'm sorry. The perspective, people! Did noone notice how Clifford's nose is made to look much much larger than it should be? Not very flattering, right? Someone mentioned the fact that Clifford is wisely trying to keep his private parts cool, but to me, it seems like there is something else going on... Those lights in his eyes, a good capture? A sign of experience in wildlife photography? Nay, I say that Clifford has the light of absolute fear in his eyes here! I suspect Lawrence from mistreating a model! From what I see, Clifford was jammed with his rear between the dashboard and the windshield (which will not be good for his fur if he has to stay there too long!) to be able to make a photo of him. Clifford seems to try to break free by flapping his ears wildly, trying to fly away (his hind legs are so crushed between the dashboard and the windshield that they will not have any power in them anymore to get out). The flapping is very artfully hidden by using a deviously fast shutterspeed (bad trick), but it didn't fool me! There is no lack of DOF that makes him appear a little unsharp, it is desperate movement!! You know what? I think Clifford will feel much more at home with Rick Vincent!


Oh well... maybe I'm being just a little bit harsh on this photo. Other than what I just said, of course it is perfect and I already threw my camera out of the window. I guess I'm just a bit put off by the fact that our own dog saw this photo first and decided to change his hair colour. So now we have a red white shephard as seen above... Can you imagine that this is a bit painful and that it makes looking neutrally at this masterpiece is a bit difficult?


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An image that really speaks for itself. I feel this photo is an excellent representative of a relatively small, but brilliant, portfolio.
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Lawrence, was this dramaticly high attention and commotion caused on accident? I don't think I'll ever get so much attention or such high ratings on any of the images I shoot, ever. Tell us your REAL story: what actually prompted you to take this image and why did you post it on photo.net?
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What impresses me the most here is the masterful lighting, a subtle graduated technique that the famous portraitist Karsh never quite managed to achieve. Note the symbolism of the dark dashboard, reminiscent of the car cramped and frightening environment. Also note how the road is bright is shiny, a symbol of a better future. Now, note how Clifford emerges from this darkness, with his eyes just over the shadows: this dog wants to escape from the car/prison and to wander on the roads in the search of a better future! Will he escape to a SUV or to a Winnebago? The question remains open ended, as the two vehicles ahead both fall in zone X, eaxctly as the eyes of Clifford! Now, that's a statement!


Colors are also daring and a definite key to the profound meaning of this picture. Note how the reds on the car and Clifford are similar. Clearly, the car and Clifford are (currently) to be taken as a whole. But the colors of Clifford are blocked, meaning that this situation is no longer possible. The situation has to evolve. Now, what do we see outside: a GREEN cast! The complementary color! No wonder why Clifford feels attracted to the outside world - there lies the solution to his problems. Note too how the green cast subtly creeps into the car, on the dashboard. The closed, prison like space of the car is clearly threathened by the outside world and it's only a matter of time before Clifford escapes! The wiper is just another futile attempt to keep Clifford in place, but it won't work, because the outside world has already pervaded the car.


A lesson of photography, really.

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Awesome composition, color and celestial harmony.

I've heard from a respected source that Red Zinger is going to use this shot in their next ad campaign. Well done!

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Clearly, the brilliance of this photo has struck a chord with the photo.net community. Equally clear is the popularity of our canine friend - Clifford.


Given all the ongoing changes here at photo.net, how about one more? Who's in favour of Clifford becoming the official photo.net mascot? Personally, I think it would be refreshing to see that cute little button nose, floppy ears, and of course the unbelievably chic red fur when I log into photo.net each day. Why, the administrators of this site could even use little mini-Clifford icons next to especially important links they would like to draw our attention to.


Of course, being the property of one Larry Spinak, copyright concerns might raise their less-cute-than-Clifford heads.

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I think Cliffy here has been fed too much genetically engineered dog food - preserves the colour but not worth eating - so I'd pull him out of the frying pan. Or maybe he's just suffering from a touch of the Bailey's. I tend to turn a few shades of red when I get that too!
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Elmo and I slipped into Rick's headquarters and snapped a quick image of the hostage situation !!! .............. It's getting serious I'm afraid ............ Rick is quite the beast as you can see !! .............

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Make the longest side of your photo 500 pixels or less and your photo will not post as a link. As you can see Clifford is starting to enjoy his dognapping.
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I know this is getting boring now but, if you forgive me, I wanted to share my first computer art piece ... I am off to learn more of this exciting technique ... I think I'll start with Kertesz and add a tad of Pieter Breughel, both my favorites. Ciao all.

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No joke, Darian.


This is a quick shot of Clifford boarding AF1, en route to a secret Middle Eastern kennel. We'd like to tell you more, but then we'd have to shoot you.



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I'm getting in big trouble... I'm keeping my wife awake. I can barely contain my emotions... and frankly who could blame me... I feel so left out... I didn't see this till it reached the top of the list. Why didn't someone tell me. I feel just aweful. Please forgive me for only being supportive now that you're at the top. I see the frowning crease of the dashboard every time I look at the image... frowning at me... in dissapointment of me for not seeing the genius earlier.... heheheheheh!!!
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