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Clifford On The Road


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While there are some merits to this photograph, I must point out that the dog is a little stiff and clearly posed. I would have preferred a more candid shot in which the subject was not so aware of the camera. Unlike Mr. Dummitt, I prefer photos where the photographer is not involved with the subject. Perhaps a zoom lens and blurred background would have been more effective. I also object to the white vehicles that seem to draw my eye from the main subject.

Naturally, I must also admonish you bad boys (you know who you are) for the usual name calling and rants. How uncivil. We have to be careful here or next thing you know there will be moderation on all images.... mod. edit ;-)

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I keep coming back here ... everything in this photograph provokes my feelings. We all owe something to Clifford -- this "poetic wellspring" as Brassai would put it, evokes uncontrollable emotions, a quality that is essential for a great photographer. And no wonder that, along with an insatiable curiosity about the world, about life, and a precise sense of form, this phtograph belated well deserved accolades. Thank you Clifford, thank Mr. Spinak ... I may now recline in my old armchair and re-examine my collective memories. You gave me back hope and strong sense of identity. I wish you to maintain your freshness of seeing and your uncorrupted attitude toward the world.
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I knew that "Lawrence" had to be a fake name. I mean, who really calls himself "Lawrence" any more? No, careful study of the server logs and tracing back IP addresses has provided conclusive evidence that Lawrence is really Tom Menegatos. So, okay Tom, did the nudes get a little boring? How about 'fessing up?


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Brian, it's not Tom. Clifford just called me and we had a long talk about another Roger trashing my photographs. Clifford wants meet at Meat Market this coming Sunday 2.30 PM sharp. I will keep you updated.
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I guess I'm really missing something on this image, or is everyone playing a big inside joke on us? Is it a good photo -- sure. But it absolutely fails to move me in any way, even if it is "technically perfect," which is irrelevant if the photo has no impact.


I think Clifford the dog is too centered in the frame; the big dashboard does not add anything, and I think it would be better with the service truck on the far left taken out -- it's distracting to my eye.


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OKay, I'm still new over here, but this whole thing was a biiig surprise for me. Something unexpected and not completely pleasant.

It seems to be a great joy to comment the person, and to comment the comment of the person, instead of the Picture itself. Ooops...am I doing the same right now?

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It looks to me like someone got really bored on a long road trip and popped off a shot of a red stuffed dog with a cheap digital camera, Then people looked at it and called it art. It's only art if you make it art by commenting on it hundreds of times and rating it high. What's at the top of the page is not art, But from there down is.
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Mew meow mew mew etc -- (Translation -- Lover please - please come back -- Since first we met I only have eye for you -- you are definatly a 7 in my eye Cliff baby but you left me wanting more -- you know what I mean -- nudge nudge wink.

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I see that art has inspired art !! Good ! :-)

Now, back to Brian's copyright infringment... Brian, come on ! Admit you are guilty... You said that you uploaded your image first, but honestly, all of us know that you are a hacker and that you even have access to all the pages on photo.net from the back door, and that you even manipulate ratings and comments occasionally - deleting some on the way almost on daily basis !! So, for a man of such black magic powers (and who loves red as well), it certainly was very easy to pick Clifford's photograph from the photographer's computer, do a close-up, and blow it up full frame. Dates are totally irrelevant here, as you are well aware of... I suspect you were secretely hoping that Mr Spinak would never upload this masterpiece, so that you could get full credit for your own upload. Too bad it didn't work out...:-)

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Tony wrote:


"So as not to have this comment moderated-out, striving to be on-topic at all times, can I ask Lawrence, did you ever work with Yul in your previous career and did he have any influence on your current photographic work? "


I can't say I had the pleasure of working with Mr. Brenner, but I have worked with a few other of the masters, from Tony Danza to Maureen McCormick. I include Jeff Bridges (http://fabulousbakers.tripod.com/ab/bakerboys/albumsgallery.html) among my photographic inspirations.



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Here is my own tribute to Mr. Michael, er, Larry Spinak. While it is not an obvious ripoff, I think you'll notice elements of my photo that allude to the original Spinak.

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Yes, yes, R. Crumb meets Edward Munch in an obvious critique of contemporary consumerism and overt matererialism masking the ennui of mass alienation and the death of spiritual values in the wake of a shattering gestalt loss of faith following the horrors of the Second World War and ensuing uncertainty of the nuclear age.


I like it.



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Wow, now I really feel special. To be on a colloquial, first-name, basis with the great Lawrence Spinak! Hi Larry!
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Lawrence you are to be commended on this excellent, unposed moment. The perspective and field depth are simply awsome. Including the orange truck

moderated very good.

Exposure is perfect, especially the sky, love the way it contrasts so well with the warm grass.

The absence of roadkill is moderated - no reference to photoshop or Daniel Bayer

but I'm willing to let that pass in this instance.

All told Lawrence, I am very impressed with your creativity and feel the less literally minded moderated - that's an insult to the realists. How many times must I - I mean Brian - remind you of this challenging.

I must ping a point off my rating though - it's on the A scale as I believe this image ought to have a top-rated frame as befitting its status.

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Ya'll knock me out....clifford has been my idol since childhood. At last a real tribute.


no words...... (choke...sob)


We need a hero to rescue him from Rick... pleassee I emplore you... someone save that furry red puppy!!

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Yes Regina !! ................. Elmo and I have surrounded Rick's house and we each have a carton of egggs ................. Shhhhhhhh ...
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Yes Ken, and you definitely have the eggs. Proof is in the portfolio. When will you advance to chickens, or did the chicken come first.
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I get your point, M. Hayward, and certainly Clifford deserves this... BUT... This is too much of a painting... this isn't Painting.net after all !!

Maybe something more photonetty would be better...

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Finally, despite all the low ratings, this amazing masterpiece has now reached the top of the top page for this week !! Bravo, Clifford !

Yet, it is just the start of a long career on the top pages of photo.net... So, Lawrence, maybe it is time to prepare Clifford for his entry on the all-time best rated images on photo.net... Don't you think ? So, how about this...? Would that help to climb the last few steps on the ladder of fame...?

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