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© ©Chip Phillips

Grand Teton Winter

chip phillips

Canon 5DCanon 70-200 f4Lpolarizer2 stop soft gnd


© ©Chip Phillips

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Grand Teton National Park saw record snowfall over the holiday. I was

able to snowshoe in to this lookout and shoot this on the only morning

without heavy snowfall. Thanks for looking! Chip

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Beautiful capture Chip. Very majestic, the sky adds tons of ambiance. I can smell and feel the cold morning air.
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Chip, I guess someone could justifiably rate you with a lower originality score, but blasting you with a 3 is a knee-jerk reaction from some envious worm (pretty low!). As far as a 4 for aesthetics, thats a worm deep in the dirt. I say that regarding originality because this is a SLIGHTLY recognizable landscape. Even so, of the thousands of images I have seen of this overlook, including mine, not too many can compare, this is Grand (no word play intended). Therefore, the ratings system on PN is a joke, not so much from the raters, but the system itself. Too much is left up to the individual for interpretation. Including originality as a benchmark is fine, but it represents half the score. What about things like proper exposure (7 here), choice of subject (not many better than this, 7 again), composition (yours is the customary compo from this overlook, so a 5), quality of light (they need to add more numbers to rate yours, lets say 9), sharpness (looks about perfect, 7 again) and finally aesthetics (need more numbers again). I could say the horizon looks tilted and is too close to the middle, but that is just nitting after the fact. This is a real stunner!!
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This is truly magnificent. The light and colours are stunning, and leaves with open jaws, and a little envy;-). The meandering river in the foreground gives this that needed extra touch.
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Amazing light. True, the Tetons have been photographed countless times from this angle, but rarely in such light. I applaud you for that. From my perspective, however, the foreground/middleground aren't particularly strong and appear disconnected from the background peaks due to the prominent left/right running snow band. This is still a very nice image, but the lack of foreground to background flow keeps this from being a great image in my honest opinion.
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Hi Chip


A powerful image with simply magic ice blue and pink contrasts. Good lead in with the river also!

A pleasure to view!

All the best



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As a subject chosen, there is nothing original here. It's just mountains and trees. But this is what if you wish to express this picture very roughly in words. As a picture, this is a feast to the eyes. Cold blue and white getting lost into the warm tones of pink and orange as you go up to the peaks. Wonderful light and exposure. Is this a masterpiece? I don't know, but I know that this really is a very good photograph. Congratulations!
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Congratulations on a magnificent work of art of a picture of the Grand Teton National


Park winter picture! I love the colors at the top! Absolutely awesome!!

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