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has seen better times


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when seeing this abandoned and battered train I thought it could make for a great picture in b/w. now it turned out better in color.

what do you think about this shot? about the perspective and the postprocessing?


comments will be valued, thanks for your time, patrick

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Overall I think this is a great shot. The colors and composition could not be better. The only thing that bothers me here is the thing in the fore ground. It looks like a door and is just kinda stuck there. I would say either highlight it by getting closer and use a wider angle lens so it becomes prominent in the image or get rid of it. JMHO.
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... thanks for expressing your thoughts, especially since they're so positive :)

the high dynamic range was achieved by a 3-bracket hdr exposure.



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I'm so happy you pointed out what's "wrong" with this shot, I also thought there is room for improvement but wasn't sure where exactly.

you are right with the perspective, sadly I have no wider lens yet, but I'm trying to get one since over a year and can't decide which one to take :D


thanks for giving me such a good and constructive critique, I will think of it the next times I find myself in situations like the one above.


cheers, patrick

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Great picture Patrick. I wouldn't change a thing. I like how the door creates a bit of a triad with the tanker and passenger cars. Each element contributes its own piece of the story. The converging rails create a focal point on the horizon, giving a place for the eyes to rest. The elements are placed quite comfortably around that point, making this pleasing to look at. I tried to crop the door with my hand and the photo really lost its balance. To me, it's a very strong and interesting picture to study.
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cooles Bild, eventuell etwas zu viel Raum am unteren Ende - ist das am Lastenbahnhof? Rudolfsbahngürtel? Steht das Ding noch dort?



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hi Alex,


danke fuer den tipp mit dem vielen raum unten, da geb ich dir recht, könnte weniger sein. faellt mir aber erst jetzt auf, wo du's sagst, danke, das sind wertvolle tipps!

das ist in der tat da gegenueber vom suedpark, ist ja der lastenbahnhof soweit ich weiss? nur diese waggons stehen da soweit ich gesehen hab nicht mehr, ist auch schon laenger her, das ich dort fotografiert hab. aber mal hinschaun lohnt sich bestimmt, ist ja nicht weit weg von dir :)


lg, patrick


thanks for your hint concerning the empty space on the bottom, it's a very valuable hint for me, hope to receive more comments like this in future :)

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