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Ash to ashes...


Selective desaturation using PS, and some light burning and dodging.

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The firs though was that it is a good image ( it's anyway) but there is somthing about the hand being not naturally composed with therest of image. It looks like a fake. Great idea .
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Do you think she'd look like she was "comming out of the shadows" if it were cropped tighter? The black is used to create the effect of shadowyness... as opposed to just having her underlit.
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I think Vicente made a good point here. We do need SOME black atound, but maybe not that much.

I like the mood here, and the fact that the hand appears so detached from her. Like it would be somebody else's hand. I also like the partial desaturation. A good idea imo. Regards.

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Yes, the hand is visually detached because of the illusion of a distance/depth and size of the face from the hand. This gerks me to feeling an emotional distance of cigar to mouth (diagonal wall between). The stiff nature of the HAND contributes to the image's static quality...as in a bad dream where resistance to a temptation is static yet futile...I am a non-smoker and my dream may be different than others for sure - yet you have created a TENSION that I see as undeniable...Very interesting and not in my previous vocabulary of tricks. Experiment with resizing or moving face around to see if the tension can be exagerated? Rare in the arts. 7/7
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Looking at this now, my peeve with it, is that the fingers on the hand are overexposed. I like that they are bright... but they would be better if they had some detail. Thanks for the suggestions... I'll try some different crops. If I like them... I'll post them ;)


Thanks for taking the time.

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The hair seems too prominent (with it being the only part of the picture in color), drawing attention away from the highlighted cigar. I would try making the hair greyscale also.
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Thanks Brian... it's interesting tho.. the depending on the gamma of your monitor, you will see or not see the hair as being prominent. Also... it wouldn't look as though the "turning to stone" effect was happening if the hair was gray too... but..... thanks for the comment. :D
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