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Winter night at the amusement park(January)


28-80 f11 20s

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I love the image, but agree with those who find the orange building on the right distracting. Since the photo is otherwise nearly monochromatic, why not go all the way and convert in to B&W?
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I think the shadows in the photograph really draw your attention into trees, into the empty playground. What I end up seeing is an empty playground, devoid of usual childhood activity. The picture made me think of growing up, something that I don't plan to do, but still, the sun setting on an empty playground invoked plenty of symbols and emotion for me.
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I'm a non-cropper for this photo. I really LOVE what the hint of red building does to this image. Without it, the photo would be wonderful. But with it, the photo is 'special'.


How true it is that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

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I think the warm colors on the right do not diminish the overall effect but rather gives a nice contrast with the rest. whether you crop it or not, it is a strong photo but I prefer as it is.
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Beautifully lonely. This photograph screams quiet. So cold, so isolatedso well composed and exposed. Excellent work. Bravo!
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The bright orange-red on the right hand side constantly distracts my eye and reduces the impact of what I think would otherwise be a very good picture.
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Nice to meet you, so your Russian photography.

I'm korean. I visited three month ago.


Your photo, It's excellent!!



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This has all the classic qualities of a great landscape. I admire man-scapes and man and land scape combinations as well.


This follows the rules of thirds up and down and across. More importantly, there is a foreground, midground, and background all beautifully lit and detailed.


Most importantly, is this is an intriguing scene which I, and, from the other comments, most people, would like to walk into for various evocative feelings. ART IS THAT ABILITY TO TOUCH OUR AESTHETIC CORE AND MOVE US INTO YOUR WORK.


Congratulations on An Extraordinary Image. I gave this a 10, 10 with 5 seconds of looking at it. Thanks for the experience it provided me.

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I love the color. Don't crop --- the warm red glimpsed through the trees on the RH side adds a lot (is that a red brick building lit by other kinds of lamp?). There seems to be a little vignetting in the lower corners which doesn't detract much from the experience of seeing the image.
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There are two distinct camps here, and I'd like to add my 2 cents that the orange on the far side of the picture emphasizes the rest of the scene.


Without pain, there could be no...

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I agree with all of the comments about the feeling and emotion that this photo evokes. It's pleasantly eery and just begs for closer examination and exploration!


The tilt of the horizon line and trees on the left hand side of the photo are very distracting to me though, and give the image too much of a snapshot feel. A viewer will tend to skim over an image like this; take it too lightly.


As another reviewer mentioned, the horizon should be level. In addition, the trees either need to be evenly vertical, or they should be bowed towards the center on both sides of the image. As it is, the trees on the right are relatively vertical while the trees on the left lean dramatically inwards.


If you can perform some perspective correction to straighten things up, you'll have an incredibly strong image!

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There is no clearly defined horizon in this picture anyway, so why is everyone complaining about it being uneven? Look at it closely and you will see that your eyes are just being fooled by the green light cast onto the uneven snow. The "horizon" looks just fine to me.


I personally think that cropping should be done on film, too. When I make a picture I only include exactly what I wanted to fill the frame, unless on a rare occasion I am limited by the focal length of my two lenses.

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i've seen a couple of suggestions for a crop of the image on the right side...and i would not, strongly not.


reasons.... #1 [a minor one] you could crop out the building [?] and yet still leave some other color in, so you wouldn't get the image without the distracting color....#2 if you crop out the extra little bit of color, you would loose the fullness of the glow....and #3 [the major reason] this pictures begs you to look around - at first to see if anyone else is there, and then -- to get around the trees and see what that red thing off to the right is. the picture has a balance which the eye can follow around, and every so often you are pulled to the right. at times, i feel like moving my head left and right, to get around the trees.


in all, the better cropping choise is as-is, by far.

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Crop AND dont crop! To me they are two very different images and I cant decide which one I prefer. The uncropped version is more interesting though.


What I like best about this picture is that it is comprised primarily of natural elements like the trees and the snow, but the light has an amazing power and makes everything seen un-natural. It is WAY COOL!!! I don't see anything wrong with the horizon line or the trees, I think it is just the variations in the DOF from left to right playing tricks on peoples eyes. I have never seen a perfectly straight tree yet so I don't expect there to be any in Moscow either.


What I find great is that the standard procedure in this situation would have been


1. Identify the temperture of all light sources


2. Apply appropriate filter (or convert to B&W)


3. Set-up and take picture


Id have to compliment you on your choice to stay true to the name of your camera (Rebel) and come up with this great shot. It made me think Ghost Busters when I saw it. lol


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OK, before everybody jumps down my throat, I made a mistake. It isn't an EOS Rebel, it is an Elan. I checked earlier in the week and I am sure it was a Rebel but I guess I was wrong, sorry.
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Love the shot. I must have stared at it for a full minute...just getting lost in it.


One idea that comes to mind is to have children create 'ghost' images by having them run through the scene while dragging the shutter. The idea would be to have them in motion so they are almost translucent. oooooOOOOOOOhhhh...kinda scary eh?


Nice photo.

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I really like the atmosphere of the picture. The only disturbing thing is the orange part on the right, I don't think it goes well with the rest of the picture.
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I was thinking that one of the remarkable things about this photo is its pseudo B&W quality, highlighted by the bit of color in the corner!
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Composition: there is no center-of-influence; relationships between objects do not vector the eye around the frame. This is a tonal poem conveying a mood.
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I agree with you Robert, the composition of this photo is very weak. The only thing that creates any interest is the moody lighting but that doesn't come close to making this a great photograph.
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