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ian cameron

A glorious sunset with the setting sun painting a stripe of red light down the western flank of the castle and illuminating a distant grove of birch trees. The rosy hue of the clouds contrasted gently with the blues of a clear sky behind. In the midst of it all sits the solid cubic shape of the castle silhouetted grandly on its grass covered plinth.Pentax 67 II ,55-100 zoom,Fujichrome Velvia polariser, 0.45ND grad,(cropped to pano across middle), f/11 at 1/8 second.NEW!! Photographic workshops and masterclasses at TRANSIENT LIGHT.

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Castle stalker, Argyle & Bute, Scotland at sunset receives the red light

from a sinking sun and the cool colours of a clear evening sky to play off

against it.

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I'm actually with Les on this one, while technically the lighting and subject work well, the composition is a little lacking. Because there's so much clutter in the water at the bottom and there's obvious surface movement near the islands, the reflection doesn't work. I'd crop the top eighth of the frame and the bottom third to make it a nice pano. Of course that's subjective and its only my two cents.
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Outstanding image Ian!

I can feel the sidelight here and the layers of reflection, castle islands, mountains the sky is breathtaking.


Have a great weekend.


Seung Kye

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