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My new banjo!


Canon 50mm 1.4+ Canon 50D

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Cool shot Ellen. You must spend a tremendous amount of time to capture these images, including taking care of these mice ;-). Very well done as usual. 6/6 a


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Hoi El.

Meid hoe krijg je die snuit van die muis zo op het onderwerp ..?!?!? ..Ik ben er van overtuigd dat er smeerkaas aan de andere kant zit (*___*)


El..Super once more!!

Heb deze week 2 van je foto's aan mijn kleindochters gestuurd!

( krijg jij daar een berichtje van, van P N ?)


Fijn weekend:


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Bedankt John, nee ik krijg daar geen bericht van. (van wie er foto's verstuurd)

Ik hoop dat ze ze leuk vinden :)


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Ellen, I was drawn to this image because of its sheer sense of fun and clever execution. It really is a cutie and so well done! But then I discover we were related ~ in the F.O.G., that is! ~ which made the discovery even more special. I'm a pastor of a free church in England ~ please take a look at my gallery if you have a minute. I'd be glad of your thoughts. Be blessed! Kind regards, Chris
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Ha ha ha, Ellen Congratulations.....You TRULY deserve your 7/7 Rating !

Baie goed gedoen. Ek hou van die manier wat die outjie hierdie Banjo vashou asof iemand nou nou dalk dit weer sal wegneem.

Very, very cute & Well done and Warmest Regards Johanna

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Hello Ellen, Looked at all your photos in gallery. You've really nice portfolio. Loved your photos of the friends..cats, dogs and these little ones. Lovely, and beautiful. It seems they are really used to and comfortable with the camera, and allow you to take pictures. thanks, Vandana
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