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At My Highest


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Cannot believe I missed this one last week, Jeff. This is landscape with a whole new meaning. Well done, my friend. Regards, Lawrence.
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Tim: I saw some of your recent photos (which I need to comment on) and I see a big similarity between this one and them. A blank sky doesn't seem that blank to me, although most people crop it out. A pity. Thanks.



Alex: Yep, I have some pictures of the tram. I'll add one to the end of the post. This felt pretty high up.



Nadya: The blue tugged at my heart. Thanks.



Inger: Thanks!!



Jamie: Regarding the gradient, some folks can get away with it. Mine always look artificial so I don't do it. It's tall for my monitor too. You have to climb a bit to see it all. Stand on your chair.



Alberto: Thanks always.



Gordon: I was just playing around with scale. The rest of the mountain shots are pretty pedestrian, although attractive postcards in their own right.



Lawrence: It was an exhilarating photo-op. Or perhaps it was the lack of oxygen. Thanks.



Tolo: Thanks so much!

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I think you've used space and proportion really effectively in portraying your view of the universe. I say "universe" because it has an almost mythical or idealizing effect, having the grandness of the sky almost dwarf the mountainside itself. Normally, photographers are trying to capture the greatness of the mountain, so you've turned that one on its ear. It has a contemporary feel because of the large area of blue you've utilized, and you've captured the sky's gradation very nicely, which also adds to the way our eye moves and is moved by this image.
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This is a real grabber - one cannot help being pulled into it (up into it!) It is amazing to me how dramatically different something can be based on the simplest of techniques - cropping it to what we don't expect. From an image that might have blended into the crowd and gone unnoticed had you gone with a heavy landscape and less sky, you have made something that forces us to stop and ponder. I find that the image demands attention - I can't help looking at it again and again, despite the seemingly simple subject matter. Now that's how a photograph should work! Thanks for your comments and for sharing this with us. (oh - one last thing - I love the titles to your folders, and especially the folder below named Humans Being...)


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I took many shots of this mountain, most of them hackneyed travel shots. Then I noticed the sky and thought that the mountain really impressed only in its relationship to the sky. This was my favorite of the bunch. Thanks so very much for your review. I'm glad you like the titles. Often, I don't post until I have a title that works.
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