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Proud Sally


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Asher, thats a mighty 4/4 you gave me. Believe me...i have no problem with that as i'ts based on how you feel. BUT...your reason is pathetic....this is my work and I am not trying to simulate anyone elses. Why don't you put some shots up for all to see - or are you hiding away from peoples reactions? After all, you have no work to demonstrate, but yet you believe you have the right to comment on everyone elses. Good for you.
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You answered the question. Lucis is several hundred dollars to get the look that you figured out on your own. I am just taking an informal poll on recipes. You've nailed it. Not everyone likes the look...but I LOVE it!
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If you dislike the rating that much I would remove it but there isn't a way. I'll look again but right now it is too late in the day. If I do not have photos that merit posting does that mean I cannot be a member of photo.net?
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Your a artist in my eyes and many. A excllent image again, no surprise at all. Have a good day and more. Take care
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I have so many thoughts about this image...where to begin? First, the processing technique is truly excellent and brings a warm character to the image. But, This is an excellent image in it's own right. The composition is just perfect. Even down to where the woman's head and body are positioned, her checkered apron, complimenting the checkered tiles behind the counter. The angle of the counter is pleasing and the loaves of bread sitting on the glass shelf with the reflections beneath add so much interest. I like the menu on the upper right. And then the newspaper with it's headline "A GREAT LOSS"...all the detail here is just amazing, Lawrence! I can imagine an artist painting this image and being able to freely choose the objects, colors and patterns, but...you saw this and captured it so well which is why I am truly in awe of this one!


Best regards,



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Asher, of course you are entitled to be a member and post your thoughts and ratings - whether you post pictures or not. Had you given me a 1/1 or a 7/7, you would have got the same response from me as I enjoy visiting and communicating with the people who have taken the time to comment on my work - good or bad.

Without you having posted any photos, it's near impossible for me to have the decency to respond back to you. Beleive me, I am the least bit offended by your post on this shot as it is all based on how you, as an individual, views the shot. Thanks for your time. Have a great day. Lawrence.

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Well, it works for me, Lawrence. It's a great piece and I like your experiments. I wish I knew how to do it myself! Well done!
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Thank you, Tiff, Cynthia and Dicky. I really appreciate you kind words. Dick, wow...you really studied this shot. I makes me happy to know how you appreciate all the details. It's what I do before I post my work. That way I get to see what I have actually photographed as apposed to just seeing an image as a whole. Thanks again.
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Lawrence: This is a fabulous image. It has kind of a nostalgic 50's look to it in my opinion. Excepting the modern appliances, and such of course. This is a lovely image that I wouldn't even know how to begin creating. Truly a creation to take pride in.

All the best,


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Lawrence, I actually like the reference to Norman Rockwell, above, even though it probably wasn't mentioned to be "nice". His works were stunning in their beauty of people and life, just like this one. You know what "life" looks like, and your talent is immeasurable.
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