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© © Gerry Clarke Use with permission only



We had a lot of fun playing with this aircraft.


© © Gerry Clarke Use with permission only

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Being a "flight freak" I could not pass by this shot without comment. Angle of shot, composition, DoF, and colour are great! .........an interesting shot, nice work.
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Yes my co-workers and I had a great time looking over this aircraft. It was a rare treat especially if you consider we work on some of the most advanced aircraft in the military arsenal today. One point of interest is the size of the cockpit, it is enormous the depth of the cockpit is not seen in today's aircraft where in comparison the pilot steps in and immediately slides his feet forward. Also take a look at the oil under the aircraft dripping from the engine and the hydraulic fluid under the port wing. This aircraft had only been parked for an hour or so.
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This is a very intersting photo! I like the color and the light. I am still trying to figure out what the light source is that is directly above the aircraft shining down towards the ground though. The sun is setting in the background with the light hitting the back of the clouds but the aircraft is lit from an entirely different light source. It looks good, however.
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Right you are. The sky was an Adobe Photo Shop enhancement. I did this for this photo because of the bad atmosphere that was in the original background. This photo was altered for the folks here at the NAS where I work they wanted prints. I find your comment interesting because I told the folks here that if I put this photo up on Photo Net that the fake sky would be exposed quickly. Congratulations you did not make me a liar.
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I feel I should explain this photo more completely.

Unfortunately my access to Photo Net is limited because I can only use the system at certain times at work ergo most of my postings and messages are done in a rush. Secondly I get I a lot to request for prints of my aircraft, carrier and at sea operational photos and people who know aircraft can't believe that those photos are not critiqued well at Photo Net much less rated (see attachments). Lastly this is one of a series of photos that I took for some of my co-workers I felt a more dramatic background would give them a better photo and they loved it. That's when I explained to them that aircraft photos on Photo Net do not do well.


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I figured it was a fake sky... some people here on .net would probably get offended that you did this because it would be destroying the "true" picture. However, in this case, I think that you did a great job (although any experienced photographer should pick up on the multiple light sources). If it sells prints, then great!
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The sky is a little melodramatic for my taste, but it goes well. Maybe you could find a good sky at the same time of day/ rough lighting as the plane, and use that instead? It seems to detract a bit from the plane.


Still, nice picture, and not a lot of those left.

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Excellent image, Gerry. The lighting is great, sure you enhanced the sky - but a little earlier and you could probably have achieved the same result with a double exposure, metering one on the bird, another on its sky.


Want your aeroplane images to soar on photo.net? Start putting scantily clads around the cockpits and props, make sure they're wearing their wings.


Another reason for neglect could be that in some parts of the world aeroplanes with stars on their wings are not exactly viewed in the most favourable light.


Whilst politics and morals ought not to play a part in the critique process, they frequently do, alas. It's a super image, one of my favourites of yours.

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Of course we're more critical! That's our job.

When I see a sky or background replaced, I only have a problem if it's been done badly. The tones, colors and mood fit very well with this photo, and you've done a great job enhancing an icon. When you critique my photos, I listen...and this is a perfect example why. Keep em' coming.

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She is beautiful...


Errr, actually I do fall into the catagory of putting beautiful women in front of my aircraft, but, well, thats advertising for you! I understand if you open the throttle on one of these you are pretty much guarantied a ground loop! Such is the way of powerful tail draggers..


Love the shot, keep it up!



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..This is my all time favorite aircraft...:-)


I have a favor to ask though. Could you please extend our viewers the courtesy of posting the photoshop teqnique in your image information?


P.S. Ever heard of George Hall / Check Six?

This is one of my better picture agencies, one image of an F18 cat launch at sunset has grossed well over $22,000 now. The images I shot while in the Navy some 15 years ago still bring in a good amount of stock sales, just got a big ready room mural contract.


Have fun,



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Say I don't mean to be mean or something. But it looks like a model kit. Is it the real deal? Either way, it is still great shot.
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Nice work blending in the PSed background. Better lighting on the aircraft made this come out so well. Here's one of my better aircraft without any alteration:

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I cant decide if I like or not. The results are eyecatching and aestetics but somewhat "wrong". It looks more like a 3D computer rendering or even diorama (painted plastic kit) because of the sky. The PS pasting is too obvious. Maybe a less dramatic sky, something closer to the original overcast miday light would be better (play with levels in PS to give at least a similar light level to your sky). The exposure, composition and perspective of the main subject are very well done. This picture is like sour candy; you crave for the taste, but too much will make you sick. ;)
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In most respects I agree with you as I have said in my early post I did the sky in ps to enhance the image for my co-workers. As for as being a model no, because of what I assume is the html and format size allowed by pn you can't see the gun mounts but you can see the oil and hydraulic fluids dripping under the aircraft, also if you examine the intake ducts on the wing you should be able to tell that they are real. I guess I will have to upload additional photos to prove myself.
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One of my favorite things! The sky may be added, but it adds so much to the great old warbird. One of the best photos of the Corsair I have seen , period.
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Great picture, all is already said above. Even if the sky is done by PS, this reality could happen!
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There's not an aircraft photo that I don't view at least once, but I keep comeing back to this beautiful Corsair. Absolutely a wonderful use of framing and color! As a Corsair freak, I thank you!
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Who really cares what was pasted from where and is that a real oil drip? It's the end image that counts. And admit it or not you stare and stare, don't you?


Keep up the good work.



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