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Au Train - Zero Image 2000 Pinhole


TMX 100, Developed in Hc-110, N+1, for 19.5 minutes.

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There's just something about your pinhole images. They have such an endearing quality of timelessness.


The cloud and grass movement combined with the decaying fence make a very interesting subject. Quite beautiful too. Nice photo all around!



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these pinhole images are beautiful, wow. they look great on screen, but have you tried making any prints yet? i wonder how the softness carries over to a print?


they have a lovely dreamy quality about them.


Thanks for the inspiration Sean! you have a wonderful portfolio.


on another matter - can i ask you advice re. placement of brightest highlights on velvia 50? where would you place something such as the brightest part of a sky or reflection where you wanted tone if not detail? (I've tried 1/2 a stop above midtone )but perhaps 2 stops is more accurate. i must experiment with velvia more but i keep getting drawn back to Delta 100.


thanks mate,



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Thanks for the stop Ben. I doubt a traditional print of this would look very good. There were three sharpening steps in this image, and I don't think the results are something that can be achieved in the darkroom. For Velvia 50 or any other slide film, I usually add 1 stop for the highlights. If I need a GND filter I adjust from there, +1 + the GND. With Velvia it could get tricky if there is a lot of contrast in the scene, which is where my ambient light meter saves the day. - Sean
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Ian has said it most eloquently already. This is excellent as are your other pinhole images. Have you tried printing them yet? They look as though they should be great.
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Jeff, I've only printed the image of a dock, and it turned out nice, I sold it. I will let you know how they come out. Thanks - Sean
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Hi Sean,


thanks for the advice regarding exposure with slide film. When i was on Eigg i tried 1 1/2 stops for the brightest highlights (i.e 1 stop more than i mentioned in the previous post), But i still seemed to have some room for a bit more exposure. I'm surprised by your suggestion of 1 stop above mid tone - your images look so carefully balanced from brightest delicate highlights down to the shadows I assumed you had pushed the brightest highlights beyond 1 1/2 to 2 stops above mid tone. Interesting. I wish I could obtain your level of skill at balancing the exposures. May be it is something to do with how we go about metering?



thanks again,



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Ben, I use a handheld meter along with my spot meter in my F4. I take my meter reading with my handheld, and a reading of the highlights with my handheld. The highlights with slide film is usually +1 or a little more depending on the lighting situation. I do bracket 1 stop when I'm guessing a little more. Thanks for all of the positive comments and encouragement Ben. Happy Holidays - Sean
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Thanks Sean, that's really helpful advice. I keep coming back to those P67 shots of yours and marvelling at the colours and that way you have expertly got the exposure right on. I use a Sekonic spot meter (1 degree) which works great, but I have very little experience with slides so I'll bear your advice in mind on my next outing.


thanks again my friend - have a great Christmas.





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