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Nuclear trees

marcin sacha

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Nice expression! Keep the power lines, they represent power to live, the trees life and hope. The towers represent death to me, but without death there can be no life. The fact that the trees can grow in such a hostile environment, is proof that despite what mankind create, Mother Earth shall remain intact. I like the photo and think you have a very nice eye.
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, May 26, 2009; 07:48 A.M.

I ask myself: apart from any preconceived ideas, apart from what I am told or what I presume about this picture, what do I see? Three chimney looking structures, not very well lit or defined, and a small tree. And the sky behind it all is dull. Judging this as an image on its own merit, not trying to interpret anything, I find it to be of little aesthetic value. I see much nicer images in the author's portfolio.

I couldn't have said it better...

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I really like it - great photo, though I admit part of me would like to see it without the power lines. I can certainly see the arguments for keeping them, they can be seen to make a statement of sorts, however, they are a tiny bit distracting.

Still I can't see how you could avoid them without a lot of Photoshop work, the kind of which I have mixed feelings about (it wouldn't really be what you saw in my opinion)(I know - there's a lot of ways to argue that).

That said, really great shot.

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Let me take the opposite point of view on the power lines. Without them, the picture might not be as interesting and compelling. I think those high-tension lines may actually be adding to the "tension" in the photograph (i.e., I think they may make the picture better on the visual level).

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It should be noted that cooling towers can be found at many coal fired power plants, so such scenes could be found at those locations, as well. There have been many cases on Google Earth where power plants have been misidentified as nuclear plants merely because of the presence of cooling towers. I have also heard stories, possibly apocryphal, of news organizations showing images or footage of a coal plant misidentified as a nuclear plant because of the presence of cooling towers.
As for the image itself, I find the contrast between the scale of the towers and the trees, and organic/inorganic elements to be very interesting. The presence of the power lines is arguably distracting, but for me, they carry my thoughts outside the bounds of the image itself, making me think about the function of the facility and the utility of its product.

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Good shot and I like it very much!
This remind me the memories of ukrain and chernobil!...Many peoples infected and many childs got bad diseases.
But I think this pic is very impressive and thnx for sharing this.


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, May 28, 2009; 05:23 p.m.

This image is unmanipulated. It is nuclear power plant in Dukovany near Brno (Czech Republic) and blossoming trees.

Marcin Sacha



I LOVE work that is the way it was seen by a human being, just as Mother Nature intended.

Marcin, we stand among the few who are willing to put our craft forward totally unretouched, in a world of "bitched up" (authentic Jamaican term , NOT a curse) phonied shots.

This, to me, is great photography. A subject that tells me something, makes a statement, asks me questions, is GENUINE and doesn't offend my eyes !

Best wishes,

Bill P.

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Excellent interpretation with a simple and clear message.  This is the essence of real photography. Bravo! (7)

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