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© It's Mine!

Tender Three



© It's Mine!

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I just could not resist this tender little group of Mushrooms. I'm

generally not a big fan of them but with the fall color behind them I

could not pass it up. Interested in your thoughts...

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This is a nice image. The light and the colors are both very appealing. My one nit-pick would be that the tallest one is coming directly out of the top of the shortest one. This adds some confusion to the image. Even moreso because it is slightly compressed by using the 180mm lens. I think the confusion might have been eliminated by moving your camera position slightly in either direction...just enough to keep the stem of the tallest from emerging directly out of the top of the short one.
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I agree with the above comment, but I must say that this is otherwise a great shot. The background is very complementary, and you've included just enough of the tree to give a hint of the mushrooms' size.
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I really liked the background. I always look for dark greens in the background to remove distraction. Here, the colors in the background complement.
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You've managed to capture a great shot....but I

don't know why,the picture looks as if it were taken in a studio with artificial lighting ! If you've shot it in natural light, then it is also interesting to know, how've you managed to get this kind of effect !! Happy Shooting !!!

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I agree with J.Scott's comment. Moving the camera on a circular axis around the center of the larger mushroom at the same distance to the right would allow for the stem of the larger mushroom to be separated visually from the little mushroom. Additionally it looks like you would be able to obtain a darker background which would further bring out the mushrooms. I do like the fall background but the browns blend in with the darker parts of the mushroom caps and keep the eye to "investigate if they are exactlly the same color". I love your vertical composition . Very well done. From the reflection on the wood it looks like you either had good direct sunlight or a flash. I do not think it was a long exposure because the background is not in full focus. Good eye


My 2 ¢


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