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Talk about frightening!! Yep... this is the stuff of my nightmares these days. And since I live in Alaska, I don't see them ending anytime soon. Hummm... I can see Russia from my house so maybe I'll start swimming at the next hightide.


Save me!!!!!




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Fun, Tiffany! I find that you bare a pretty close resemblance to Sarah Palin in the other picture, and you both make great models. Was the pose planned or were you both winging it? I think Palin even winks with her left eye too!
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The part that is missing is my animal necklace. The bloody bear...moose and wolf with the evil uncle sam screaming "Don't vote for socialists!" should have given our political stance away but there were still a lot of people who (honestly) expressed their support for me. A lot of people wanted pictures with me...very VERY strange.

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Mike...I saw our governor last week and the coolest thing I heard from her was "I don't understand how Sarah Palin can see Russia from her house ..but she can't see the Alaska Tundra melting beneath her feet". Michael...yes we were camping it up...it's a bit cartoony but it was so much fun...I just HAD to share.
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So glad you decided to share, and especially the bit about the necklace and the "socialist" commentary... priceless! Isn't it supposed to be "Christian" to share your wealth and good fortune with as many as possible?... something about those with the least have the most, and those with the most have the least? Oh, and I like the potential symbolism of the "15 minute parking" sign in the second photo.


It'll be nice to see that red hair again ;-)




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I hope that we can look back at this and laugh at Sarah's 15 minutes of fame. Yes...the claim that Obama is going to "Take your money and spread it around". Isn't that what's been happening for the past 30 years? My money is paying for a war that I don't support and padding the pockets of oil execs. I don't remember signing up for either of those endeavors. We just saw a very interesting study on G-d and american politics. Before Reagan....the g word was hardly EVER mentioned in political addresses. Then with Ronnie and his "G-d bless America!" 's...it started. It has snowballed and we have all gone down a major right hand slide into.....wait....oh I'm so sorry. I forgot that this is a photography forum. 2 more days....eeeesssh! Oh...Pierre...I will let you decide that one....beauty in the eye of the beholder and all that!
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Holy shit...you get my vote for the best costumes...SNL should be calling you girl...With or with out the necklace this rocks!! John's goatee works perfect with his costume...! juan
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Great shots in any case, Tiffany.


I had been looking at you as Sarah Palin so much that it never occurred to me to pay much attention to the devil. I have to say that I have never seen the devil portrayed in an Uncle Same outfit--and it is the old "Uncle Sam wants you!" pose. As a pacifist, I can relate to that.


As for pit bulls with lipstick, I am simply relieved not to be looking at one as VP-elect.


Again, great work, Tiffany. You have a lot of faces!



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Lannie...the whole evening was very odd. I am glad ....no...I am joyful...hopeful...relieved....proud....amazed that we are where we are right now and not planning an attack on the country of Africa (yes...she thought that Africa was a country)
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If and when "our" illustrious (and convicted felon) Uncle Ted gets kicked out of the senate, I'm sure Sarah will vote herself in to take his place. So you can sleep well knowing that she will be in Washington soon enough and Tina Fey will have lots of material to keep us entertained.






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Well maybe she will learn more about those insider politics so she won't be thrown by anymore of those "gotcha" questions...like.."What countries are the NAFTA treaty between?". Actually...I feel kind of bad for her right now...the republicans have really thrown her to the wolves (the few that she hasn't had executed..that is).
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Weel I think that was pretty good too! I have not had watched TV very much at all for a long time...but I remember those guys like it was just yesterday...just awesome...thanks juan
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Fabulous Tiffany,but guess what I reckon they will elect an idiot like her next time.Thanks for the link,I already read that one and am hoping to go back to New Guinea when I am recovered..Cheers Birte
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