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Church of Lappeenranta


Converted to b/w, cropped to square format. Sky modified in CS2 plus some level adjustments.

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Thanks for feedback. I was considering on trying to bring some more

light to the walls of the church but decided to leave them as original.

What do you think?

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I like the contrast between the straight lines of the church with that sky completely random and natural. Exceptional skyline. Best wishes. Vicente.

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Thanks Rueda & Vicente for commenting. Really appreciated.

Vicente: It was a cloudy day where the clouds were very shattered, that's where the sky comes, but of course i brought them out little more in CS2. Don't normally do that in post processing but this time i decided to try something new. Thanks again for the visit.

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Masterful use of light. The drama in the clouds and the brighter patch toward the center give a sense of stage lighting, as if the world is waiting and holding its breath for something important to happen.
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No, I like the concentration of light from the sky above and behind the building, so the dark walls are fine for me. Here in the U.S., this would have made a great Halloween photo a couple days ago. Moodily effective.
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Pierre: When i have snapped images from churches i'm always trying to find those symmetric angles because i find them really interesting. And this architechtural style is very common in Finnish churches.

Jeff: I waited for that to happen... but i never got to see anything :D

Diego: I used wide angle lense (focal 10mm) and low shooting point, that's why the perspective is what it is. This was originally wider from the sides but as i have drawn into cropping my images to square i didn't any other option.

Glauco: Thanks for commenting, i've been trying to study more b/w processing. not sure how long this phase lasts but hopefully enough long so i could learn more this.

Tim: Thanks for the feedback. Like i said, i was considering it but decided to leave them as original. The biggest reason is that i don't like to process images that much, And sense i already processed the sky more dramatic i thought that it's enough. I think that when i see some faults in my images, it's more easier next time to fix them while shooting them than in post processing phase, if i leave them as they were... or at least i think so.

Elena: Thanks for commenting, really appreciated.

Marc: Thanks for commenting, really appreciated.

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We're alike, Tero: I don't like taking a photo too far in processing, and if I see a way to do it better, I prefer to learn from that and shoot better in the future rather than create something in processing that is not what I got in the camera. My goal is to become a better photographer, rather than a master of Photoshop.
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This is a powerful and dramatic scene. I think the BW is perfect and the darkness works to give off the sense of eeriness. Wonderful capture.
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Tim: You are absolutely right. Let's stay on that path.

Liz: Thanks for commenting. I made it b/w because i'm going through a b/w phase right now. Only shots that still comes in colors are rally shots and some motion images.

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Very good Tero...perhaps a little bit far of your usual work :).I like this high contrast, sky and it composition.Best regards
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Thanks Mario. What do you mean "Far of your usual work" I know that it's not rally cars or motion shot but i also have a fetish for churches, if i haven't told it to you yet ;D I have shooted about 100 churches for which i used as an studying to learn more about techniques. And i still do it but not so often anymore.
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I love the perspective on the church and the overall composition is strong. The subtle adjustment to the light which gives greater emphasis to the central building and spire works well to pull me into the scene.


Even after coming back to this image several times I remain undecided about your manipulation of the sky. Although it does add drama, at the same time it is quite obviously done afterward in PS2, so it seems a bit overdone to my taste. I find the bright area between the burned sky and the building holding too much of my attention when I would rather be considering the entire scene. Just my subjective two cents.

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I will not comment too much on the composition and impact, the comments above me did all of the heavy lifting in that regard. Suffice to say, incredible.


The quality of the file is just great...very sharp without looking overprocessed. The square format is perfect for the symmetry.





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Mario: We all have our fetishes.

Jayanti. Thanks for the comment, really appreciated.

Emmanuel: I have found that this kind of POV's works nicely with these churches, that's why i use it very often. Thanks for commenting, really appreciated.

Gordon: i see what you mean. even i thought that it went a bit too far but i couldn't do anything from between these results (I'll show the original from which i processed the sky) And you are also right about the bright part of the sky, it really steals the attention from the main subject. These are the things i have been trying to focus more but still have plenty to learn.Thanks for opening my eyes on this one. Your commenting is always really apreciated. Thanks Gord.

Jay: Thanks for commenting. I have been stuck in this square format now for a few weeks and seems that i can't get out of it. There is just something which fashinates me in it. But i'll guess it's just some odd phase again ;D Thanks for commenting Jay, always appreciated.

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Great shot with loads of atmosphere! Subject known to me shown in differend light, which is always a great thing to see!
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