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Power and payload


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Un altro ottimo B&W dove, come già evidenziato nei commenti precedenti, metti egregiamente in risalto il contrasto tra due stili di vita. Un saluto da Glauco. (Max anon.)
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El, you probably will kill me, technically I find the photo absolutely a mess.

If you look at the background it is brilliant. If you look to the cars, the cows and the pile of hay they are almost black.

And what is the photo about? About the contradiction of old and new.

The timing of the moment is great.Also the framing.

If I look at the whole photo I think that it is a matter of wrong light measuring.

It is really a pity.

Because the cows and the pile of hay they are the real subject and now they disappear.

With regards

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En la calle hay oportunidades que no se pueden perder, y esta es una de ellas, por supuesto se comparan dos mundos, formas de vivir y sobretodo momentos para disfrutar, creo que la persona que esta encima de la carreta tumbado sobre el heno, esta realmente en el septimo cielo disfrutando de un verdadero viaje de placer. Sobre el comentario de Joke, creo que en una foto de calle se pueden obviar algunos detalles tecnicos, cuando el conjunto es lo que transmite emociones. Buen fin de semana. Vicente.
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thank you very much to comment on this 'controversial' picture. It's a pleasure for me and I appreciate your effort very much. Thanks again and have a nice week-end, wherever you may be. Regards, El
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Joke, thank you for your straight forward comment which I read amused but with much attention. You have done a lot of effort to evaluate the image obviously without taking into account what I wrote to Mauro Moroni here above. I suggest to just read it for your better understanding. However, the decision to post such a ‘mess’ on PN rests with me and solely with me. As always, I take all serious and well -meant improvement proposals into consideration and apply them to my following works if necessary.


Concerning ‘what is the photo about’ the answer is simple: read and understand the title! If you are focused on the oxen and the hay load - fine for me.


Finally, ‘de gustibus et coloribus non est disputandum’ as they say in latin. That’s why I propose to do it like me: comment and rate when you like a picture , respectively make constructive improvement proposals - and ignore submissions you don’t like. Regards, El


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El, I agree with you.We take many shots,while we are on the move. It may not be a technically perfect image,all the time. But we like to tell a story or convey a message.I like the composition and apt caption.
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El, I think you don’t understand what I have written you. My fault, my leak of my English and expression.

First of all, I ignore submissions if I don’t like it. Everybody his own thing.

If I don’t do that, than I have a 24 hours job.

With other words, I only react on what I like or what the person have made and posted and has a good and fine way of photographing things.

So, my comment is straight and open.

And yes it is correct that I don’t read every comment of others, simple because I will give my own reaction. I do some times, but mostly after my comment.

So, I take your photo and your work serious.

Even a snap shot like this. The word mess is only technical. Perhaps chosen the wrong word.

That I write: you probably will kill me, is because you got so many good and high rates on this photo, that I thought you will be a little pissed of as I give an “opposite” comment.

But my comment is nothing more or less than what I see. Says nothing about the intention of the photo!

And that is more important than you think or what you think about my reaction.

Although it is a snapshot, when I look at this photo than it crabs me. Yes I have a good look and without reading the comments of others, you can see that it is a snap shot.

Never the less, what I have try to say to you is that the technical result is coming from the light measuring.

I like the photo in his basic, but it is a pity that it is so dark. So I respect your post of this photo!

Further more that people look to a photo in a different way than you, is always great.

If you stand open for how people can look, feel and react on a photo, than you have your constructive opinion. Than you can think and see how a photo affects others. And that is a gift.

Why? Because, you have your reason to post and comments can give you more thoughts why you posted it. Give you the opportunity to look into your self and your reactions to others.

There is not to be discussion regarding tastes. No, correct, but that is here not the issue.

That is a little bit misplaced. And you must know that, if you look to my other comments on your work.

Power and payload. Yes, that is what it is about. Only in my point of view if the oxen and the hay load had more light it was an extra understatement of you title. It was more coming forwards.

So, what is “wrong” with your photo? NOTHING! Only technical and that is in this photo really a pity, because it basically good. And if you come in a situation where you stand again in, that it shall be a snapshot, perhaps you have than more fun if you know what your camera will do under those circumstance and know how to handle. And make a hell of a good snapshot.

So, I didn’t focus on one side.

I hope that this comment give you more answer and intentions of me than my first short comment. Give me one reason why I should be negative.

With regards.


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ma questa è una foto fatta dalla macchina! non la avevo vista. leggi la risposta al comme nto che ho indegnamente ricevuto da te oggi, la foto si chiamava torrespaccata, o qualcosa del genere. foto al solito bellissima, una luce fatta apposta, solo con quell'angolo potevi fare la foto. matina o sera? e dove siamo?
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A hay coach is an exotic element to the modern urban resident who urgently needs constant reminders of the parallel life , out there in the fields. Even if it's crossed for a split second. Obviously(?) a photo taken from a car while on move, great reaction and exquisite final result. The wise use of the B&W medium gives the picture a documentary halo. Best regards, Chris
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Me gusta tu manera de trabajar las imagenes b&n,y la verdad es que viendolas voy cogiendo ideas que intento poner en practica,para mi esta es otra gran foto,enhorabuena.Saludos y max anon.
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