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© © David J. McCracken




© © David J. McCracken

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Nude and Erotic

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The calm and abstract pose is very nice, and it suits the model well. But it does not seem to be in line with the hat and title, which suggest a more dance like pose, and some feel of music and movement. Also a cabaret feel could be enhanced with some more happening in the background, even if it is just a curtain, rather than a neutral seamless paper.
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Your work never fails to impress me, both for their beauty and for their humor. This one brings it to a new level -- the humor is subdued, but it is there. The beauty is something that one cannot miss. There is a very good sense of balance and of an elegant simplicity. Thanks.
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Lovely Image David.... Is this the famed 'Pork Pie Hat' that conventioners wear during this political season? Cheers, R.
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José, Perhaps not perfect but hopefully pretty close. Thanks.


Arjen, I get you but don't entirely agree with you. Perhaps if I had given her a cane the title would have been more appropriate. I am sure there were a few hats similar to this in the film Cabaret. Perhaps I am wrong. Thanks for stopping by.


Francisco, I am glad you see the humour in this. Being honest it wasn't completely intentional although this image does make me smile too. The beauty is not in doubt. She was fantastic to photograph.


Jim, Simple it was. I can't argue with you about her positioning in the frame but hopefully it doesn't distract too much.


Raymond, I have to be honest and say I have no idea. With regard to politics... you shouldn't vote. It only encourages them.


Thanks a lot everyone. Your time is appreciated.

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It would have been a strange effect when the hat was black... No idea why I say that about the hat... I like the pose, the hair falling on her shoulders, and for sure it must have been GREAT to make pictures of such a beautifull woman


- kind regards Els

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Excellent b&w work. I'm wondering how it would have looked had there been eye holes in the hat? Oh, and I love her hands!
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Els, I must admit photographing beautiful women is something I enjoy whether it be with a black hat or a silver one or even no hat.


Jim, Kind words. I am glad you noticed her hands. They are lovely.


Thank you both.

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