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© (c) 2002 Ricardo J. Méndez Castro

Father and son (F002.01a)


Framed, cropped and toned on The Gimp. The photo was taken on Tri-X Pan 400 pushed at 1600. I'm amazed by how smooth it came out.

Oh, I'm an uncle now.


© (c) 2002 Ricardo J. Méndez Castro

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A candid portrait of my brother and his newborn son. While it is a

family photo, I think it merits requesting critique. I thought it was

time to post something more personal.


Comments are welcome.

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It has eye contact but within the picture (i can`t see the eyes of the father).

The composition is a little stronger on the right side, since the head of the father is turned away from us and lack of focus doesn`t help either.

Maybe a wider look and more from the right side would help - but that is hjust me!

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that is such a worried face, its classic.. only composition comment would have been to include just a little more of the babies wrappings at the bottom... he/she is only JUST in the frame and you lose her/.him a bit (I'm doing this from critique lineage so I cant read details).
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I think the photo tells its story effectively. But the title should be "son and father", since the eye is drawn to the child's eyes long before one notices the father is out-of-focus, and perhaps rightly so. The slight sepia tone does not add anything to the photo, I'd try to go for plain b/w.
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Thanks for the notes. All I had with me was the 50mm lens, because they wouldn't allow me to bring my camera bag into the hospital and so I had to carry the camera on my neck - no accessories. Also, light was pretty bad so I had to take advantage of the lens' f/1.8, even at EI 1600.


Mauricio: about the tone (which is more pinkish than sepia), my wife insisted. She said that the photo looked too cold without it, and that baby deserved something warmer. After looking at the results I agree with her - black and white looks just too stark for him (then again, I'm seeing it with uncle's eyes).

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what i like best of the image is its tenderness.. u did a good job making it come out. also i have to consider that u had difficulties with the light, and the only lens u could use.. so to me it is origina (becouse i didn't see much of this kind around) and well done..




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