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© Copyright owned by Jed Goode

Abbie going to the beach.

jed goode

Black & white print from colour negative. The print was partially sepia toned (except for the bottle) and gold toned. The bottle was then blue toned.


© Copyright owned by Jed Goode

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hey Jed,

it's all body's veiws - sum'may b just jealous as they didn't do it - OR how u did it be4 them!!

JEALOUSY + ENVY+>>>>.........><><><><>....

Anyways- it's a nice job & pretty well done.


ciao` & keep up the gr8 wrk.

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Beyond what is necessary to be able to appreciate art, all that is necessary to be able to criticize art validly is intelligence, perceptiveness, analytical skill, honesty, and a good ability to articulate oneself. Not experience as a photographer.

The problem with that statement is that so few of the general population meet those criteria, particularly where it comes to the ability to appreciate art and visual perceptiveness. Owning a Nikon and knowing how to operate it don't automatically grant you this capacity, but successful photographers (and visual artists of all types) almost by definition must have either been born with or developed a high degree of visual awareness.

You can call me an elitist for saying that the average person's artistic sensibilities are for shit, but it's hard to come to any other conclusion when I look at the prefab bubblegum pop acts that rake in 90% of the money spent on music, when I go into the frame shop in the mall and see the crap people are actually hanging on their walls, when I drive into a new subdivision full of architectural mostrosities, et cetera ad nauseam.

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Who said he did anything in PhotoShop, Steven? If you're going to criticize someone's work at least get your facts straight. And so what if he toned the image in PhotoShop? That's nothing more than he did in a darkroom anyway.


This incessant babbling against PhotoShop is as tiresome as people's insistence that any photo could be enhanced with a split ND filter.


This is a damn good photo. The grain lends an impression of heat, which helps the photo. The toning further adds to the mood. Cropping about half the space from the top to the model's head would move her higher in the composition and strengthen the image. Other than that, leave it as it is.

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even tho i, nor my children or my childrens children will ever be as good as some of the people who think they have the god given right to critisize other peorles works, would still like to leave some mustard on this side. Fantastic photo. Nice comment from Hazel B. But.... dont forget "if you do something & nobody says anything about it", it either wasnt worth doing OR it was so F*#k*+g genial(means GREAT)that some, running through life thinking they are so good or not thinking at all, just dont see the things some others do. Beauty being in the eyes of beholders.
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Great photo. It captures that feeling that we men get when we see the silouette of a woman. Our minds fill in so much that we fall in love. It would be interesting to see a different crop--a little less path and a bit more sky. Not sure it would be better but it would be worth a try if it is there in the neg. Bravo!!!
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Very nice image indeed. It evokes a response, and that's what a photograph should do. Nice application of imaging techniques to a strong composition.
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After reading the comments I feel like Rod Serling is about to step out of the corner and announce his usual...People are criticized for their criticism? Why not? This is what comment is meant to be, whether you like it or not, write whatever pops into your mind, it's all about first impression, Phil doesn't enforce any censorship or moderation.

By the same token - there is nothing wrong with those who see feely-touchy-pink-fuzzy-bunny slippers in this "thingy". Surprisingly though, admirers of the "technique", while rolling their googly eyes, couldn't figure out the direction of the "nice girl" movement. Hint: look at the knee bend, calf curve and grip on the bottle. Personal attack however is a different issue: BTW, Kyle if you consider this photo an artwork I wonder what level of "technical expertise"(huh?) you posses. Not tough to figure out considering that by your standards inability to spell is an 8th grade attribute. I don't think one even needs a camera to achieve this "specific atmosphere"(I don't suppose you can be a tad more specific on this notion): place an object on a flat bed scanner. "and this is what photography is all about". Really? According to whom? One would argue that this is a sweeping generalization. Can't we all just get along...

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I'm no artistic expert, just a typical guy. I like the picture. The color in the water bottle is great; it looks like it should be in a bottled water commercial. Abbies shape is great too. For me, the picture achieves what the artist wanted - to invoke the mood of going to the beach. Hey, it makes me wish I was there right now going to the beach with my camera and a pretty woman!
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My kinda shots ... congratulations on this great idea ... the shot maybe simple as the photo.net suggested but I bet that you put a lot thought and time into making what it is now.
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It's a great photo! I'm jealous because I rarely get such a perfect set-up as that. It is a bit grainy for my taste, but the grain does suggest the heat. Maybe smaller grain? I'm not qualified to judge.... it's better than anything I could do....
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Quite beautiful. Love it! I've been working on a lot of silhoutte shots lately myself. Aren't they so much fun? I would like this photo more though if you cut off part of the bridge. It's not all needed. In fact, most of it is unneeded.
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Every once-in-a-while I come across a photo that relaxes me the second I set my eyes on it. This is definitely one of them. Your creativity is brilliant, and I can almost smell the salty air. A very peaceful image. This is as close to perfect as it gets.
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I see no real flaws in this image and just a few things that could be improved. Yet, I see no real greatness either.

I see a potential minor improvement, as somebody stated, in cropping the top a tad, but nothing really significant there either. I also see another possibility, which is a squared cropping, cropping off a lot of the ground and some at the top of the picture as well. But it doesn't convince me any more than the original post.

I too feel that the grain adds something here to anotherwise quite boring sky. I find myself looking for a beautiful cloud, but well, it wasn't there. Then I look at the bottle. It stands out because it's blue, whereas the rest of the frame is brown. I wonder WHY it should stand out. If this would be for an ad, then I'd say that the model wasn't right, and I feel that not many art directors would go for a silhouette effect and for this brown toning. So, as an ad, I feel this doesn't stand out as great.

So, I would tend to believe that the purpose wasn't advertising, and then I wonder why the bottle should be given such strong emphasis ?

I somehow miss the point of this shot and of the bottle's color mostly, but at the same time, it clearly isn't a bad shot - aesthetically quite fine.

So I am forced to conclude that it leaves me quite cold, and so do many silhouettes in general, unless I see something really special about one of them... Here, what's special is the importance of the bottle, but I don't see that as a positive thing. Overall, a good looking shot that lacks some depth of thought imo, and some impact. A 5 / O 5.

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Very nice picture. I like that you've keep the color of the bottle through the sepia. The silhoutette is nice and lighting very good. The grainy effect give a ancient picture look that is very cool. Great job.
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So much sky bores me and nothing, so much sepia, the bottle is a so important element? the image I believe daria for a great deal more but itself is not bored is able me that be the sky, the color and the bottle. I believe that is an interesting image
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