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The Floating Head....( better seen large)


F 4, SS 0.6 underexposure -0.33 ISO 800).

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This a beautiful version. They both seem to lack a lot of color anyways but the touch of color in this one adds a nice dimension to it.
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Hello Pnina, this photograph is one that makes the viewer think just what is going on.......I must ask you a couple of questions: is this a Time exposure of perhaps 3 or 4 seconds and is the subject rocking on the floor in such a way that they are moving toward the camera.......Jim
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Amazing rendition. It is fleeting and hypnotically intriguing to look at. The detachment of the head adds a mysterious and dark connotation to the composition. I'm in awe.
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Jim, it is photographed in a dance show, it is a semi abstract two dancers on the floor....and photographed with slow shutter speed and underexposure

The man dancer was in the dark only his head was floating....the woman dancer was in the FG but focus was on the dancer's head....;-))


( I have added technical details)


Bob , thanks, I appreciate your comment


Adan, thanks for your nice feedback. It was a special moment ,I work fast as every move in the dance is a fraction of a second.... When I succeed ( Imo.....) this is the result.


Tolo, thanks as well for your feedback .

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It is a very creative image. It is also one of the most original images on photo.net. However, I have to agree with Jack. There is some “macabre” there.


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An amazing shot capturing motion in a surreal manner... are you sure there was no guillotine....My best...Marjorie
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Rueda, Jack , Andrew, El , and Christoph, ,Thanks for stopping and commenting


Cherlyn, thanks for writing your preference...;-))


Milena, nice impression, thanks for your visit and comment


Marjorie, my camera and timing were the guillotine...;-)) thanks


Pep, thanks as well


Jack and Andrew


I understand very well your impression. The stage (especially in a dance show, where the movement is so fast) present some illusion( deceit) to the eye, and as a matter of fact to the brain....


I see some dances( like this one) sometime 4-5 times and look for a special multi dialogue of movements light and shadows, that are offered to me on stage. It needs being very alert and ready in order not to miss the rare moments....

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I prefer the B&W version. the absence of colour allows the form and detail to come through stronger. I find myself delving deeper into the B&W version.

I too find this photograph a bit unsettling and macabre. The blur on either side of the head give the impression it is traveling in a direction opposite to the body. The disconnect between body and head looks like decapitation. The theme of death is reinforced, for me, by the appearance that something ethereal is vacating the body via the eyes and mouth as if the spirit is in the process of departing. A dramatic and visceral image.

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Thanks for a very interesting evaluation! The motive of death is present and part of this dance, that is long and has some turns in its inner narrative of movement, which takes place in a bar.


The violence and death are showing in the movements of the dancers as well as other parts of life and joy. It can be seen in this one too








I think you have well interpreted the illusion of the head, that looks floating without a body, as a spirit , it is exactly the right way to interpret this scene, and you did not see the full dance!



I was debating with myself about the colored and B/W versions... and decided to upload both, as the colors are so much part of the dance itself...


Thanks again Gord, it is a great addition !




Ilkka, thanks to you too for stopping by ,and both your comments and liking.

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For me, the photo has a mythological feel, as if about a goddess, ethereal and not easily grasped. There's a sense of floating in air, perhaps above the clouds. It has an otherworldliness to it.


I find the color has more life and energy, more subtlety and nuance. I think the black and white has potential but would need to be worked with in post processing to capture what is lost in the conversion. For example, the legs. Notice how they all take on such similar tones and aren't as nicely differentiated in the black and white. The energy from flesh tones to ghostlike white, in the color version, gives such energy to that aspect of the photo that, for me, would need to be recaptured in the black and white. Also, the more refined shading and detail to the wisps of hair in the color version just becomes more of a fog in the black and white, again losing energy for me. The color one feels very alive to me while the black and white just lays there.


I'm curious what method you use to convert to black and white.

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I like both images since each one conveys a different "sense" to me. This color one is strangely beautiful with its rich tones and light. The BW becomes more sinister because I really concentrate on the figure. Both give me an unsettling feeling. Extraordinary capture.
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