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St. Vitus' Cathedral


21 mm; 1/250, 1/60, 1/15s/ f/4.0 ISO 4oo. Hand held (no IS) 9 shot HDR panorama - processed in CS3

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Featuring the 19th and 20th century addition to the cathedral, the

stained glass windows lighting the interior with a spectacular display of

colour. This was a 3 vertical shot panorama, each being a 3 exposure

(+2, 0, -2) HDR image - a total of 9 exposures; handheld with no IS!

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Wow - great composition. The light through the windows adds a lot to the image. And the silvery tones are very delicate. Very good work, thanks for sharing
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...it was your pictures of Prague that brought me there! I stayed for just 5 days and really needed at least 5 weeks - what an amazing and wonderful city. I spent 6 hours photographing St. Vitus (much of the time waiting for the crowds to part!) - but at least you were allowed to take pictures here, so many of the other churches did not allow it. As for the lighting, I live in the "Sunshine State" and brought it with me - hope you enjoyed it! Cheers, RickDB
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Hello, Rick, thanks for bringing the light to Prague :-) :-) I am glad you enjoyed your stay in Prague and waiting for next pictures. Warm regards
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Good and enjoyable work. Nice tones of light add depth and warmth to the coldness of gothic interior. Congrats...
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Hi Rick. Great detail.I don't know how you got it so sharp. I was in the church last year at this time and I tried to use a small tripod but they wouldn't let me set it up no matter how much I protested. I ended up using my 20D with a 50mm 1.4 lens and used wide open and high iso. I attached 1 of my photos and as you can tell fairly noisey. I love progued and just wished I had more time to explore.


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Love the detail of the stained glass, Rick you have a very good pulse for handheld, this is an excellent HDR , you are doing an excellent work, thanks for sharing, saludos //Salvador
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Very nice HDR. I like both the composition and the colors, particularly impressive when viewed large. I also have experience of failing to use a tripod and making any decent pictures there. One small point: I have an impression that the right wall is leaning too much to the right. Is this a result of lens overcorrection? Best regards, Vadim
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Aykut - glad you enjoyed this awsome gothic cathedral, it is hard to do it justice on "film", especially without a tripod!


Paul - Pretty spectacular light show you captured there! My shots could have been much sharper if tripods were allowed. The Zeiss 21 mm f/2.8 is an amazing lens - incredibly sharp, even when wide open; it also shows very low distortion which helps with stitching panos.


Salvador - thanks for your generous rating! One interesting thing I found were painted figures of silver miners (I'll post a pic later) from whence came some of the wealth for the construction of the cathedral - just like La Valenciana in Mexico!


Vadim - Thanks for pointing out the impression the right wall is leaning to the right. Actually all the verticals are upright and parallel, it is the horizontal line of the pews that is not at right angles with the columns - squared up picture attached.


Chris - an ambitious shot that luckily worked out. It is not as difficult as it sounds - it was really just three shots (with large overlap) taken in manual auto-bracket bursts of three. The result is reasonable, but there is a definite softness probably from both camera shake and an artifact of the HDR processing.


Cheers! RickDB

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