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Moraine Lake


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A nice enough photo to be sure. But, there is nothing really remarkable at all about the day/time/weather. So, it is here largely just because I was there and felt like sharing my best from this iconic place.


Please click for the large version. There are a huge number of artifacts along the line of peaks -- they go away in the large version.

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Thank you all! I am quite surprised to get so many comments without even submitting this for critique!


I wasn't going to bother sending this into the pool; but, your comments have caused me to change my mind.

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Beautiful photograph; and I'd have posted it too. I think you did well in the harsh lighting conditions. Maybe you tried this already, but another option would be a black and white conversion. I have taken the liberty of including my interpretation. Please let me know if this does not work for you, and I shall immediately delete it. Nice work, Ian. Cheers! Chris

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Oh, wow! Why didn't I see the B&W potential! Thank you so much.


Yours looks so good, I'll try my own tomorrow.


Hmm . . . I think I will pull the reds and oranges down a bit more than you have to give more rock contrasts.

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Now you're talking, Ian! Once you have your black and white rendition where you want it; do let me know, and I'll swing by and pull this off. You really do not want to have competing versions of your own photograph up and about. Nice work, Amigo; your work just keeps getting better and better! Cheers! Chris
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One of my favorite places, I've been there many time and it always takes my breath away, no matter what kind of weather. This is gorgeous.
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Superb scenery and expertly captured. As Chris demonstrated this image makes a wonderful B&W but I am very pleased to have seen the colour version, the water is just the most beautiful blue/green ever.



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Ian... This is absolutely gorgeous in the color version; the blue blue sky and the aquamarine water are stunning. But - the b/w version that Chris converted is so primal and majestic. A fabulous capture either way... thanks for sharing! Mike


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Ian, The lighting might not have been ideal, but I think you made the very best of the situation. I really like the sense of depth created by including the many planes of this scene, the rocky foreground, the bottom of the lake, the surface of the lake, the reflections, the hills , the mountains and the sky. It really draws me in. Best Regards, Jerry
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I like it. The sense of depth is what is appealing. The kind of crisp fore and aft that I would have sought in my Stereo Realist days, with the foreground submerged rocks adding a certain feel of reality and 3-D like the hot spring pools at Yellowstone Park. The format may be a little bit too vertical for some tastes, but that is a personal choice. I like it in color, first choice, the coral blue water is too nice to convert but is an interesting variation without argument I think this one would sell at the craft fair near our Zoo if framed...I'll take a dozen 11by 14s :-).
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Very nice, Ian. This is a very crisp and colorful shot. Perfect composition as well. Very nice job on the foreground and great DOF. Good work.
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Ha! Thanks. But, I'd trade -- I certainly identify with yours more. I love the dusting of snow, the clouds, and quiet, soft-shadowed light in yours. Those features help capture the massiveness, the grandeur and overwhelming quality of being there better. I have come to think my image makes the place look very gentile and doesn't capture the "Oh my God!" feeling of standing in the spot.
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