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Call no chain strong, which holds one rusted link.


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“Therefore I do protest against the boast

Of independence in this mighty land.

Call no chain strong, which holds one rusted link.

Call no land free, that holds one fettered slave.” - Ella Wheeler Wilcox


Thank you in advance for your comments.

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Gracias por tus palabras Belén, sabes me esfuerzo por ponerles títulos que sean parte de la experiencia, aunque no siempre lo logro. La verdad es admiro mucho tu trabajo por lo que aprecio aún mas tu comentario. Saludos,


Cherlyn, thank you for visiting and leaving me such a great comment. Cheers


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I love the appearance of the combination of motion with a static object which you have achieved here. The different ways in which motion and time effect the photographic image and can be interpreted within the still frame is something which has kept me motivated and amused for quite some time. Consequently I am drawn to and impressed with what you have achieved here. In my first sentence I used the word " appearance " because this image holds some ambiguity for me . I feel like this is the result of a horizontal pan yet the blurred background does lack some of the tell tale signs of such. I am left wondering if this sensation of motion is the result of your narrow DOF and the linear nature of the background. These are only my musings, I am not looking for you to reveal your technique, however I did want to let you know how much I enjoy the sense of mystery you have created with this photo.
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Joseph, thank you very much for your visit and comment; I agree this could also work as a vertical photo.


Gordon, narrow DOF, was the key here..... This was a roll of steel mesh for a construction site, with a patch of grass behind it; so no great secret on this one, actually you've come to mention something that I was trying to achieve here, a no-pan pano, or simply put: recreating that effect through very narrow depth of field. Thank you for your substance full comment.


Nick, Tero, as someone that admires your work, your comments come in as a great compliment.


Gracias Tolo, siempre un placer contar con tus coemntarios. Saludos,

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Una toma genial, con unos tonos para mi gusto en su punto, y ese fondo que me da una sensacion de movimiento que me encanta. Felicidades y un saludo
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Marios, thank you for visiting and commenting, I'm glad to know that your like the horizontal format of this one.


Josu, gracias! Como ya habras visto, el color es un elemento esencial en mi trabajo, por lo que me agrada que lo encuentres "en su punto"........cada vez me parece mas claro lo complejo que es el uso del color, sobre el blalnco y negro; y no es por hacer mas, o menos una de las dos, es solo que me parece un reto muy distinto. Saludos,

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