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The dust of exploded beliefs may make a fine sunset


No Filters, but......... very lengthy process of color management.

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As cliche as it may be, I couldn't let pass the opportunity to try some sunset photos;



Thank you in advance for all your comments, critics and ratings.

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Very interesting cloud formation with extreme color. Like it, but I really haven't got the foggiest idea which side is up or down ;) Very well done!
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Thank you for your visit and comment Wendy, I'm glad that you've found this to be interesting....... and by the way, up is down and down is up, on this one.




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La verdad yo tampoco he podido descubrir si es desde arriba o desbe abajo.La verdad poco importa ya que es una magnifica imagen con una luz y colorido que no habia visto . Me parece excelente !


Un abrazo



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Up is down, and down is up! Look at this long enough and you can see the hand of God reaching out to touch the hand of Man. Gorgeous work! You saw this well, my friend! Cheers! Chris
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Ricardo, estoy realmente agradecido por toda la atención que has dado a mi trabajo en los últimos días.....y por supuesto gracias por tu comentario sobre esta colorida escena, puedo confesar que he trabajado mucho para lograr lo que ves, ya que la foto como salio de la cámara distaba mucho de lo que vi ese día. Saludos,


Chris, I'm humbled by your words, indeed you can see the hand of God at times like this, but never will this photo equal the experience of actually witnessing such a ravishing scene. Thank you very much!

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Belen, muchas gracias!........han sido varias horas trabajando curvas, niveles, saturación, contraste, etc.


Adan, gracias a ti tambien, como ya he dicho, esta ha requerido de mucho trabajo, por lo que me alegro aún mas de que les haya gustado.



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interesting and creative treatment. sometimes turn things upside down do make things look differently. regards.
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To my way of thinking no subject is cliche if approached with original vision. Granted, a subject such as a sunset is so popular, it offers a greater challenge than say, for example road kill :-) ,in order to present something original. You have risen to the challenge and succeeded in great measure. The intensity of the colours, the sense of motion and swirling, the clarity and the unconventional perspective all raise this to a level many thousand meters above the common sunset.
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Juan Carlos, this is the far most original sunset I've seen in years! Truly I thought it was a shot for outer space and I thought: Bastard, he's one of those rich lucky yuppies who flies on the shuttle over the weekend! The I realized NO he's just one of those lucky dudes with talent! My greates admiration JC!!
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In every way and direction you look at this sunset, it is an original approach ! so hard to say original about sunsets, so easy to say it on this one! ;-)) Wonderful
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Jeff, being one of the people whose work I most admire, specially your color management skills, yours comes as quite a compliment. Thank you


Fly, you're absolutely right, turning things upside down reveal a different world altogether; I still remember how we used to do just that in drawing class, in order to break some preconceptions and "learn to see" the world around us. Thank you for your visit and comment.


Gordon, Nick, Pnina, I'm wordless, you both know really well how much I admire your original approach towards photography; hence your comment is one of the best compliments this little photo can ever receive.....I can only add, that I would very much like to be one of those lucky yuppies, for as I'm not, I can only dream and keep on shooting. Cheers!


Tolo, gracias en verdad por tus constantes visitas y comentarios, siempre es un placer leerlos, y visitar igualmente tu impresionante trabajo. Un abrazo,








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Looks like it's been shooted from space towards earth, and i'm not going to ask how you achieved that.

The colors and the clouds looks fantastic, i'm not normally fan of cloud or sky images but this is certainly something worth to look at. And the more i look at this i start to realize that you have to have some sort of filter to achieve this kind of color scheme for all you shots, it just looks so darn good.

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Tero, no big secret here, I seldom use any filter besides a UV, and when I do it's only a polarizer.....unless I'm shooting B&W film. The colors come from two sources: customized settings on the camera, and some minor tweaks I do with capture NX. I try not to do things that wouldn't be possible in the dark room.

Thank you for your comment; I'm really glad that you like this.



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Gracias Pep, me has dejado sin palabras......creo que el mejor premio que pueda recibir es un comentario así, de alguien cuyo trabajo admiro tanto. Un abrazo,


Mahdi, thank you, it's been a while, hasn't it?


Sam, thank you, I really wanted to achieve something different. I really appreciate your visit.

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Cada vez que te visito me encuentro con agradables sorpresas!! y esta en concreto me parece excepcional, muchas felicidades y que sigas mostrandonos este material tan genial!
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Another image done in the Juan Carlos style. I really like how you push the colors without moving into the area of non-believably. (I think I just made up a word.)


Wonderful color contrast and composition. Well done my friend.

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Josu, gracias por tu comentario, ya te decía que este tipo de reconocimiento es lo mejor que puede ocurrir, sobre todo cuando viene de alguien con tu oficio. Un abrazo,


Drew, well what can I say.......your words are quite an impulse, as color is very much in my mind every time I take a picture, and something a eagerly look into when working on a file; even more so in this image. I'm glad that you've noticed.


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