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El, quando vedo una "street photo" soprattutto in BW, a volte sono poco obiettivo... visto che è il genere che preferisco. Comunque è davvero bella e il momento colto è quello "giusto". Forse,a voler essere pignolo, con un po' più di contrasto si sbiancherebbero di più i "bianchi" e annerirebbero i "neri". Ma come sempre quello che conta è come la vede il fotografo, chi guarda può solo esprimere preferenze personali.

A proposito, la frase di Seneca, anche oggi di stretta attualità ci stà a pennello. Non fosse per altro, meriteresti un 7/7 anche solo per questo.... :). ciao e a presto. Giorgio

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Indudablemente el titulo es una verdad indiscutible, y expresar el amor en publico deberia ser obligatorio y necesario. La sociedad debe utilizart el amor como terapia para la mayoria de sus males. Max. Enhorabuena. Vicente.
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You have captured a very tender moment here. They have the "love look" in their eyes. I think the added space on the left enhances this shot as young lovers live in their own world oblivious to anyone around them...Bravo and thanks for sharing!
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Dear friends, I just want to thank you for taking the time to evaluate and comment on my submission. Your findings are very valuable for me, help to improve things - and keep me goin'. Thank you very much indeed. Best regards, El



To Giorgio:.................mi fa particolarmente piacere notare un commento come il tuo - grazie davvero!! Pensavo che la frase latina è stato il più adatto per questa foto ( Seneca - Epistulae Morales Ad Lucilium - Liber I, 9 )....Riguardare più contrasto in bianco & nero: anche io preferisco di più ma le mie competenze - utilizzando il software - sono molto limitate. Sono ancora in una 'curva di apprendimento' ma ha fatto il primo passo per migliorare - penso..Saluti, El









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It have take time to find this image on the forum but finally I have found it here, and I am glad for that, now I can give what this image deserve, warm regards. Max.anon.
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Dear friends, thank you very much for coming by, your comments and generous rating. Your support is very much appreciated. Thanks again and warm regards, El
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Ottima cattura El! Perfetta composizione, conversione in B&W, luce e completezza di dettagli in tutte le zone. Ottimo lavoro! Salutoni. Glauco. (DS)
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Okay, El, good job. Let's get down to critique. Some "sustains" and "improves" based on the photograph.


To sustain: You've already received a lot of valid praise, above, so I'll be brief here. Good body position to show relationship. Good variation in tone; preservation of tone in the white shirt; good texture in the netted shirt; good use of glancing light to show all fabrics' shapes and drapery; good rendering of the smooth stone texture.


To improve: I think I see a post-processed background, El. Naughty, naughty! I think these people may have been sitting on some steps on a stone wall that leads down to some water maybe. I would like to have seen some of those details behind them. Maybe some DOF blur to maintain subject prominence or such. I need to see some tonal variation in the background; particularly the spot where the background meets the stairs is a little distracting.


I think it is unlikely that they are seated next to a wall, because of shadow position; but, with the background as a single tone, I find myself deciding what that background gray shape is. I really suspect that is is edited water or something. I don't know.


Okay, for the ratings, here's what I think:

Strong use of diagonals and the people details and the "sustains" listed above keep it above average. That background though, is gonna knock you down a couple of notches with me.


Originality. Okay, I think this is a good photograph, well composed; but I've got to tell you that capturing a private moment between lovers from a distance, that's a frequently featured subject. So, you're gonna lose some points there. Also, we've got a dead-centered subject here. That supports some of the diagonals in the composition, but that, too, is frequently used by other people. Some loss on Originality.


Overall, though, I've got to once again admit, you've done a much better job here than I myself could have. I have learned some from reviewing your photo, as I have from so many others.


Clearly, you've done a good job here. Keep up the great photography. J.

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Now that's what I call a review!!! Thank you for your comprehensive analysis and findings which I appreciate very much. Just a few remarks on both the 'sustain' and the 'improve' part. Sustain: What you see is an instantannée in the sense of the word and shot from my balcony. Means that I am neither responsible for body positions and love expressions nor for the dress code and the abandoned shoes. And for the sake of the exercise, the shirt was originaly yellow instead of white - as the socks are.

Concerning the 'improvement' proposal: Indeed, the steps are leading not to some water but to the longest river in Italy called 'Po'. The peculiarity of this river is that the color is grey, in the best case darkgreygreenishblack. Weather or no weather the color remains the same - at least from where I shoot. And indeed, naughty as you formulate, I adjusted the bg a bit because otherwise I would have been penalised again or had to explain why I have dust spots or dirt on my sensor while it is the texture of the slow moving grey water enriched with some floating whatever.

Concerning your opinion on the shot as such ( I don't use the word 'composition') - I acknowledge what you say but I am of the opinion that the choice what to shot and what to post is and remains purely and simply my decision. If you talk about 'frequently featured' subjects and sceneries as deja vu and downgrade acordingly, then you are a bridge too far and you can cut out 80% of the images on PN. A rose is a rose is a rose...right?

However, I appreciate your very valuable evaluation and improvement proposal and I assure you to take the one and other into account in my future works. I would be delighted if you pop in again to examine how I'm doing. Thanks again and best regards, El

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