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Let slip the dogs...


Taken during training. Pardon the pun, but it was quite the baptism of fire (and water) for my Maxxum 7.

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I think that nothing here is in focus and you underexposed it slightly. Also, the horizontal composition would be much better a choice (it looks like you zoomed this shot from far away and posted only a tiny part of your frame -- perhaps, you could change the cropping to horizontal, including more of that fire or eliminating the blaze altogether, leaving the smoke only).
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First off - I really do appreciate your comments.


A. This is full frame. What you see is what I got. I played with cropping it horizontal, but I thought (perhaps in error) that the fire gave the shot context.


B. The focus - I'm not sure I could have gotten them in focus due to the rippling (?) caused by the heat. I was standing about four feet from a pit containing approx 800 gallons of burning diesel fuel and shooting somewhat across it (to get that "context"). You can see the setup in some of the other pics in this folder. As you can imagine, this isn't exactly a "could you guys stand over here, please" environment. (More like "who's the a-hole with the camera...")





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I know the excitment of posting a treasured photo here ... I just think that this one is not the best shot of firefighters in action and I did see too many of them lately (I'm from NYC). Don't get disapointed if this shot won't take a first prize and keep on shooting. It's always rewarding to get a better picture. Good luck.
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Excellent - the hint of fire and the overpowering smoke really adds to the image - the three firefighters appear as if they're helpless fighting the fire. Firefighters could've used a +1/2EV or so exp comp
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