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bridge beckons


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Susan... The bright mid-day sun can be murder to control. An early morning or late afternoon shot, from a tripod, would really help here. Just a late night effort, but here's a very quick edit of this picture in PS.... Mike



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Mike, I see contrast and crop, but how did you get rid of the "thing"?

I mean, I wanted to do that, even started cloning, but it looked really strange.

Your's looks great.

thanks, Susan

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Susan... I didn't do any contrast adjustments, at least not with that tool. I used the dodge and burn tools (in various strengths - never anywhere near 100% and most of the time under 20%) with most of the adjustments made by burning both highs (in the blown areas) and darks. After getting it where I wanted, I went back over all the tree highlights and dodged the sheen on the leaves. The clone tool was to copy over some of the blown out grass in the foreground since there wasn't any color there to bring out. The "thing" I cloned out by just bringing the surrounding materials inward incrementally. It's not perfect, but ok at this resolution. I never clone at 100% value, prefering to stay, for this type anyway, at around 70-80%. That brings in detail, but shouldn't be fuzzy. You just have to practice this. Anyway, good luck... Mike


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Last weekend I went later, nearer to sunset. But the light wasn't shining on the bridge, giving it that alure that I saw in this picture, although I got a new self-portrait on the bridge. I decided to try again yesterday, this time, taking care that the ISO setting is the lowest on this compact camera. I think that helped a bit. I tried a variety of spots. I like this one maybe the best as it is inside the shady area and doesn't include the "thing". There's another vertical one with more mottled grass, but although it is better overall, it doesn't have that come here appeal of the original. Several shots had horrible glare. Anyways, I will probably keep trying until it is right.

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Susan... Indeed, more even lighting this time. On your next trip, try the EV+/- control on your compact camera. Try backing off to -.7 or -1.0 and see what it looks like. (Don't forget to return it to 0.0 or you'll wonder why all your pictures are dark). Here's a little edit just changing the light levels very similar to what I did before... Good luck... Mike



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