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© (c) David J. McCracken ( 5D_20594 )

Night and Day


Although only a small image has been uploaded, a high resolution 'jpg' and 'tif' are available of this photo.


© (c) David J. McCracken ( 5D_20594 )

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The richness of the sidewalk with the shadow are magnificent. I would have liked to see the top quarter darkened but I do think the runner in the distance adds.
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Joao, Thanks a lot. This was a chance shot and I was happy to get it. If I had more time I would have composed it differently.


Jean-Marc, I am glad you like it. I am happy with it but it could be better. Time was the problem here.


Pankaj, Thanks a lot!


Charles, I hear you. I am more happy with this shot than unhappy. It's not perfect but with limited time and a lot of people around it was the best I could do.


Thanks everyone.

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I realy like it, and perhaps it was just perfect that you didn't have enough time, sometimes it makes the photo better,


- Els

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I like this photograph, but let me say this. I agree that the colors, light, and composition (the placement of the figures in the frame) are really good. And the fact that this is sort of a grab shot makes it even better. Sometimes elements just seem to come together and the photographer is fortunate to have had a camera on hand to capture it, and you've captured it very well.


That said, let me go one step further. All the elements are in place to make this a really interesting and effective black and white shot. And I'm not just saying that because I shoot b&w. The light and the long, strong shadow in the foreground. The lines formed by the wall on the left and the railing on the right, converging towards the background. The verticals formed by the light posts on the left. All these things would combine to add a bit of mystery and ambiguousness to the overall composition that would be more apparent in black and white.


That's just my opinion, of course. It's an excellent shot either way.

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Els, Your comment is interesting. Of all the photographs I have taken I have a strong desire for this to be perfect and I know it isn't. Maybe if I had more time it would be closer to the image I would want. Thanks a lot.


Jim, I do convert a lot of my photos to black and white. I never thought for a moment to convert this to b & w until I read your comment. Having done so, I have to say that I still prefer the colour version. However I appreciate that your comment forced me to look at something I might otherwise have missed. Thanks for that. I may upload it as a stand alone image later.

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Wow, David, I love this one!! It tells a story........ The woman is waiting. For who, what is she waiting for, exciting!!


The colour brings more tension I think, maybe you can tone tone down the colours in the backround a bit the get less distraction (but that's my own taste hahahahaha)


Really great shot!


And thanks again for your nice comments all the time, I really appreciate them!



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Thanks for the look and comment. She is waiting for me. Waiting for me to buy her dinner actually! I like your idea of toning down the colour at the top.
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Guest Guest


I see a lot of depth here and am also led into the photo very effectively. The golden-lit shadowed area and particularly the long shadow of the woman suggesting the early evening help both the narrative and the composition to act on the viewer. It is an inviting scene and even more an invitingly-taken photo. The foreground has a lush richness, the background a more open and less intimate quality. She looks in the direction we do, seeing what we see. It creates empathy. The runner implies movement and a movement toward the horizon, toward what's light. Her head being so close to the edge of the frame gives me pause. Not saying I do or don't like it, just that it's a strong perspective and compositional factor. It may leave her less grounded than she originally appears. I like some of the details, particularly whatever is hanging there on the fence, capturing the light nicely and providing a kind of translucence to mirror the glow of the shadowed ground. While this is, in part, a study in contrasts, to me it's much more than that. I don't much care for the title, as it seems a bit mundane for the photo and gives a more clear sense of contrast than what I'm picking up here. I see a more organic sense in the way the light has set things up. It also doesn't say "night" to me, since the lighting is clearly not a function of nighttime, but rather sunset, shadow, and perhaps processing. Very thought-provoking work.

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Better late than never. I have only just seen your comment. I am not so sure it is so thought provoking although it is nice of you to say so. This was an opportune shot and the choice was to take it or not to take it. It is said that a picture is worth a 1000 words. Perhaps not but I do appreciate the length you have gone to in giving me your thoughts. Thank you very much.

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