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© (c) Matt Laur

Saga on Patio

Matt Laur

Handheld, AF-S spot focusing, 30mm, 1/60, f/1.4, ISO 100, aperture priority. Center focus sensor, focus-recompose method.


© (c) Matt Laur

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This started out as a depth-of-field experiment, but my helpful subject

was showing his personality particularly well. Thanks for visiting, and for

indulging me.

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This is such a great expression and the 30 f1.4 has such a norrow DOF at f1.4 that I'm amazed that you have such crisp focus on the eyes and the nose is almost perfectly in focus as well. This is one of those images that just makes you love dogs. Very nice!





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This is good I like the expression on his face. "Silly humans what the heck are they doing holding that darn clicky thing to their face like that"
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more than highly paid professional models, even more than unwilling children, dogs are so difficult to photograph and yet you make it look so casual over and over again. You're truly a master at this. We have two black labs and this look is so familiar to me. Just great how you did it, especially given those selfimposed limitations that work so well.
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Thanks all. This is, of course, one of those shots where the photographer could possibly be seeing - by virtue of emotional attachment and interest - something that the usual viewer wouldn't. It's hard to be objective when your buddy, human or canine, is the subject.
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What an awesome photograph! It captures Saga's very rich fur color and eyes. His expression is absolutely priceless.


I had a greyhound from the time she was three until she died at 13. Photos like this still evoke some very beautiful memories. Thanks for sharing a finely crafted photograph and, better still, for sharing your love for this dog.



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Saga, you are beautiful, and I understand you are asking Matt some questions... I hope he will answer you .;-))
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Great shot, Matt. I was reading your comments on the Sigma 30 mm 1.4 lens and found Saga. Saga's a great name. Nice sharp image, and the bokeh is nice. I notice that the focus on the front paws is not as sharp as on the eyes. This must have been shot pretty wide open. Nice image. Thanks for sharing it.
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Thanks, Larry. Indeed, this was at f/1.4, so the depth of field barely includes both his eyes and his nose. But that's how the shot achieves the friendly and soft feel to it (it helps that he's a charmer, of course!). The Sigma 30/1.4 produces lovely bokeh. I made this very photo while getting to know the lens, and now use it as a regular favorite.
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I can look into these for a long while. In my years of snapping photos (I'm an amateur) I've fond that unplanned, or found shots like this one leave a lasting impression. Wonderful shot.
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Saw it from the bottom of the page post. This is not the least of the reasons I like that 'feature' on this site.

It's simply a great "dog" shot and it gave me pleasure just to look at it.

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