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150/2.8 Kaleinar 3b medium format lens and with Arax tilt adapter on Canon 10D. Post proc consists of just crop, levels, curves and sharpen.

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Really really windy yesterday. This windsurf bloke was standing there

wondering whether to go out or not. I just had to get the camera out!

Would appreciate thoughts on composition - I wanted to who bloke

faced with the big sea, and the comedy part of him wondering what to

do! The tilt lens was used to give a great depth of field up the centre of

the frame to show him and the sea he is looking at in sharp focus.

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I laughed...and my daughter said "It's a nce picture" !


I love the isolation, and it IS humerous!!


Glad to see you're still experimenting!



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Hiya Shaun.


Ta very much for dropping by and for letting me know what you and your daughter think - 'tis much appreciated. Yep, I'm still enjoying experimenting, and it's months now since I had a straight autofocus lens on the camera!


Hope all's well over your neck of the woods.



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The stance on the guy and of course the head scratching make this a scream.


The tilt lens in this one gives some of that effect of miniaturization that tilt and shift lens can create. In this case it works well to make the guy look like a tiny man staring out at a big sea.

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Gord, thanks for your input on this, but you know what? I don't like those "miniturisation" photographs - and I've never liked "model villages" either. But when I saw this bloke standing there I just had to do it! Strange eh?
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I know what you mean, I find that whole small village thing boring and trite. Something about the open space and the single human figure makes this one work for me.
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